Letter of the Holy Father to the special envoy to the celebrations of the “double Jubilee” of the diocese of Augsburg in honour of the Patron Saint Ulrich, on the 1050th anniversary of his death, and on the 1100th of his episcopal ordination [28 December 2023] (17 November 2023)
Letter of the Holy Father to the Members of the Franciscan Family on the occasion of the VIII Centenary of the approval of the Regola Bullata (1223 - 2023) (9 November 2023)
Letter of the Holy Father to the Pontifical Legate for the opening of the Jubilee Year of the diocese of Casale Monferrato on the 550th anniversary of its erection and the solemnity of the Patron Saint Evasius [12 November 2023] (18 October 2023)
Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the celebrations of the 1.200th anniversary of the dedication of the Collégiale Saint Ursmer [Lobbes, Belgium, 24 September 2023] (14 September 2023)
Letter of the Holy Father to the special envoy to preside at the concluding Mass of the IV Forum Europeu de Irmanades e Confrarias with the canonical coronation of Our Lady of Sorrows [Basilica of Mafra, Portugal, 17 September 2023] (8 August 2023)
Letter of the Holy Father to the special envoy to the celebration of the Coronation of the Image of Our Lady “Health of the Sick” [Archdiocesan Shrine of Smolice in Poznán, Poland, 9 September 2023] (31 July 2023)
Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the celebration of the Third Centenary of the Coronation of the Image of Our Lady, Queen of Podlasie-Mother of Unity (Shrine of Kodeń, Siedlce, Poland) (17 July 2023)
Letter of the Holy Father to his special envoy at the celebration of the 700th anniversary of the canonization of Saint Thomas Aquinas [Fossanova Abbey, 18 July 2023] (30 June 2023)
Mission and Letter of the Holy Father to the special envoy to the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the evangelization of the Congo [Brazzaville, 4 June 2023] (30 May 2023)
Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the celebrations of the 25th anniversary of the coronation of the Icon of Our Lady of Budslav [National Shrine of Budslav, 30 June - 1 July 2023] (27 May 2023)