Letter to Card. Jean-Louis Tauran, Special Envoy to the consecration of the recently restored Shrine of St Augustine of Hippo on the 100th anniversary of its elevation to a Basilica [Annaba, Algeria, 2 May 2014] (21 March 2014)
Letter to Card. Ennio Antonelli, Special Envoy for the commemorative celebration of the 70th anniversary of the destruction and reconstruction of the Abbey of Montecassino [21 March 2014] (19 March 2014)
Letter to the Special Envoy to Panamá for the closing ceremony of the Jubilee Year on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the erection of the first diocese (Santa María la Antigua) on dry land in the American Continent [14-15 February 2014] (16 January 2014)