November 2017
The Pope’s words at the Angelus prayer
Celebration of Holy Mass at the American cemetery of Nettuno
Prayer of the Holy Father at the Mausoleum of the Ardeatine Caves
Moment of Prayer of the Holy Father in the Vatican Crypt
Resignations and Appointments
Notice of Press Conference
Holy Mass for the repose of the Cardinals and Bishops departed during the year
Audience with the members of the International Federation of Catholic Universities
Resignations and Appointments
Audience with the Managers and Staff of the “Sixt” Company
Holy See Press Office Communiqué: Audience with the President of the Republic of Moldova
The Pope’s words at the Angelus prayer
Press Conference at the conclusion of the Workshop on Assisting Victims in Human Trafficking (Vatican, 4-6 November 2017)
Notice from the Office of Liturgical Celebrations
Resignations and Appointments
Press Release of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
The Holy Father Francis’ condolences for the victims of the massacre in a Baptist church in Texas
General Audience
Resignations and Appointments
Decrees of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
Resignations and Appointments
Notice from the Office of Liturgical Celebrations
The Credential Letters of the Ambassador of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the Holy See
Declaration of the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Greg Burke
Message of the Holy Father to the participants in the Conference “Paul VI, the Pope of modernity: justice among peoples and love for Italy”
Holy See Press Office Communiqué
Resignations and Appointments
Final Declaration of the 4th Catholic-Muslim Forum (8 November 2017, Berkeley, USA)
Press Release of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development on the International Conference on healthcare
Audience with the participants in the International Symposium on Disarmament, organized by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
Audience with the Order of Poor Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of the Pious Schools (Piarists)
Video Message of the Holy Father to the participants in the Third International Symposium on the Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris laetitia”
Audience with the Leaders of the “Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat”
Resignations and Appointments
Holy See Press Office Communiqué: Audience with the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone
The Pope’s words at the Angelus prayer
Meeting with the Heads of the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia
Telegram of condolences of the Holy Father for the death of His Eminence Cardinal Bernard Panafieu
The Holy Father’s condolences for the victims of the earthquake on the border between Iraq and Iran
Apostolic Trip of His Holiness Francis to Chile and Peru (15-22 January 2018) - Programme
Resignations and Appointments
Notice from the Prefecture of the Papal Household: Celebration of Prayer for Peace in South Sudan and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Resignations and Appointments
General Audience
Message of the Holy Father to the President of the 23rd Session of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-23)
Audience with participants in the International Assembly of the Confederation Apostolic Union of Clergy
Message of the Holy Father to the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life on the occasion of the European Regional Meeting of the “World Medical Association” on “end of life” issues (Vatican, 16-17 November 2017)
Resignations and Appointments
Video Message of the Holy Father Francis for his imminent Apostolic Trip to Myanmar
Final Statement of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue at the end of the Sixth Buddhist-Christian Colloquium (Taiwan, 13-16 November 2017)
Notice of Briefing
Apostolic Trip of His Holiness Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (27 to 30 November 2017)
Message of the Holy Father for the crew of the submarine missing in the South Atlantic, Argentina
Audience with participants in the Plenary of the Pontifical Council for Culture
Audience with the “Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation” for the award of the Ratzinger Prize 2017
Message of the Holy Father to the participants in the 32nd International Conference on the theme: “Addressing Global Health Inequalities” (New Synod Hall, 16-18 November 2017)
Resignations and Appointments
Notice of Press Conference
Appointments for the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
Press Release of the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops
Holy See Press Office Communiqué
Holy Mass on the occasion of the First World Day of the Poor
The Pope’s words at the Angelus prayer
Words of the Holy Father before lunch with the poor in the Paul VI Hall, on the First World Day of the Poor (Sunday 19 November 2017)
Press Release from the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development on the International Conference on work and workers' movements
Resignations and Appointments
Telegram of condolences for the death of Cardinal Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo
Audience with Directors and Staff of the Central Directorate for Road and Railway Police
Video Message of the Holy Father Francis for his imminent Apostolic Trip to Bangladesh
Resignations and Appointments
Communiqué of the Secretariat of State
Press Conference to announce two simultaneous exhibitions at the Vatican Museums and the Forbidden City, Beijing
Communiqué: Third Meeting of the 14th Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops
Resignations and Appointments
General Audience
The Credential Letters of the Ambassador of Montenegro to the Holy See
Resignations and Appointments
Audience with the Members of the Franciscan Families of the First Order and the Third Order Regular
Video Message of the Holy Father for the 7th Festival of the Social Doctrine of the Church (Verona, 23-26 November 2017)
Prayer Celebration for Peace in South Sudan and in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Trip of the Substitute of the Secretariat of State to Malaysia for the inauguration of the new Nunciature in Kuala Lumpur
Resignations and Appointments
Trip of the Substitute of the Secretariat of State to Malaysia for the inauguration of the new Nunciature in Kuala Lumpur
Message of the Holy Father Francis for the celebration of the 51st World Day of Peace (1 January 2018)
Audience with the Members of the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East
Press Conference for the presentation of the Message for World Day of Peace 2018
Press Release of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development: Aid to the Democratic Republic of Congo on behalf of the Holy Father
Letter of the Holy Father Francis to the participants in the International Conference “From Populorum progressio to Laudato si’” (New Synod Hall, 23-24 November 2017)
The Credential Letters of the Ambassador of Portugal to the Holy See
Audience with the participants in the Course promoted by the Tribunal of the Roman Rota
The Pope’s words at the Angelus prayer
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – Departure from Rome, arrival and official welcome in Myanmar, Telegram to President of the Italian Republic, and Telegrams to Heads of State
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – The Pope’s words on the flight from Rome to Yangon
Notice from the Office of Liturgical Celebrations
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – Welcome Ceremony in Myanmar, courtesy visit to the President of the Republic and the Union of Myanmar, and Meeting with the State Counsellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – Meeting with the Authorities, Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – Meeting with religious leaders in the Archbishopric
Resignations and Appointments
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – Holy Mass at the Kyaikkasan Ground in Yangon
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – Meeting of the Supreme “Sangha” Council of Buddhist Monks
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – Meeting with Bishops in the Archbishopric of Yangon
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – Holy Mass with young people, Official Farewell from Myanmar and Telegram to the President of the Republic of Myanmar
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – Welcome Ceremony in Bangladesh, Visit to the “National Martyrs' Memorial” of Savar, and Homage to the “Father of the Nation”
Message of the Holy Father Francis to His Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch, for the Feast of Saint Andrew
Resignations and Appointments
Apostolic Trip of the Holy Father Francis to Myanmar and Bangladesh (26 November – 2 December 2017) – Courtesy visit to the President of the Republic of Bangladesh and Meeting with the Authorities, the Diplomatic Corps and Civil Society in the Presidential Palace in Dhaka
Video Message of the Holy Father Francis for the International Symposium “Laudato si’. Care for the common home, a necessary conversion to human ecology” (29 November – 1 December 2017)