Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Words of the Holy Father before lunch with the poor in the Paul VI Hall, on the First World Day of the Poor (Sunday 19 November 2017), 20.11.2017

The following are the words the Holy Father Francis addressed yesterday, at the beginning of the “festive” lunch held in the Paul VI Hall on the occasion of the First World Day of the Poor, to the needy, the disadvantaged and the poor from the diocese of Rome, from Lazio and from various dioceses throughout the world.


Words of the Holy Father

Welcome to you all!

Let us prepare for this moment together. Each one of us with the heart full of good will and friendship towards the others, to share this lunch wishing the best to each other.

And now let us pray to the Lord that He bless this meal, that He bless those who have prepared it, that He bless us all, that He bless our hearts, our families, our desires, our life, and that He give us health and strength. Amen.

A blessing also to all those in the other soup kitchens around Rome, as Rome today is full of this [event]. A greeting, and applause to them from here!
