رسائل 2015

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the celebrations to commemorate the 17th centenary of the martyrdom of St. Blaise, patron of the diocese of Dubrovnik, Croatia, and the 600th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade by the Republic of Ragusa [Dubrovnik, 3 February 2016] - 30 December 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Rescript of the Holy Father on the implementation of the new law on marriage annulment proceedings - 7 December 2015

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Pontifical Legate to the celebrations for the 51st International Eucharistic Congress [Cebu, Philippines, 24-31 January 2016] - 18 November 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the special envoy for the celebration of the fifth centenary of the city of Cumana (Venezuela), where the evangelization of South America began [27 November 2015] - 9 November 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Chirograph of the Holy Father for the erection of the “Gravissimum educationis” Foundation - 28 October 2015

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Portuguese ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy at the closing celebrations on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the creation of the Diocese of Lanciano (present-day Archdiocese of Lanciano-Ortona) [22 November 2015] - 22 October 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Cardinal Secretary of State on the reform of certain structures of the Roman Curia - 14 October 2015

    [ English  - Italian  - Portuguese ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy at the National Eucharistic Congress of India [Mumbai, 12-15 November 2015] - 12 October 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy at the closing celebration for the 500th anniversary of the arrival from Rome of the Sacred Image of the Madonna of Łask” in the Shrine of the Archdiocese of Łodź [Łodź, 8 November 2015] - 12 October 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM) - 12 October 2015

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the closing celebrations of the First National Eucharistic Congress of the Czech Republic [Brno, 17 October 2015] - 17 September 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father according to which an Indulgence is granted to the faithful on the occasion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy - 1st September 2015

    [ Chinese (China)  - Chinese (Taiwan)  - English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Polish  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter, signed by the Cardinal Secretary of State, to the Bishop of Piacenza-Bobbio on the occasion of the 18th International Meeting of the Columbanian Communities to mark the 1400th anniversary of the death of Saint Columban - 30 August 2015

    [ Italian ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy at the 6th National Eucharistic Congress of Mexico [Monterrey, 9-13 September 2015] - 15 August 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy at the Fifth National Eucharistic Congress of Bolivia [Tarija, 16-20 September 2015] - 13 August 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy at the closing celebrations for the 1500th anniversary of the founding of the Abbey of Saint-Maurice (Switzerland) [22 September 2015] - 13 August 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy at the celebration for the dedication of the new Cathedral of Créteil (France) [20 September 2015] - 11 August 2015

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father for the establishment of the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” [1st September] - 6 August 2015

    [ English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Auxiliary Bishop of Jerusalem of the Latins and Patriarchal Vicar for Jordan on the situation of refugees - 6 August 2015

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter to the Special Envoy at the Eucharistic Celebration on the occasion of the 18th International Meeting of the Columbanian Communities to mark the 1400th anniversary of the death of Saint Columban [Bobbio, 30 August 2015] - 23 July 2015

    [ Latin ]
