رسائل 2013

  • Letter to participants in the 13th Meeting of the Basic Ecclesial Communities in Brazil [Diocese of Crato, 7-11 January 2014] - 17 December 2013

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter to the new Special Envoy to the closing celebrations for the first centenary of the institution of the Ecclesiastical Province of Managua [Managua, Nicaragua, 2 December 2013] - 29 November 2013

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Card. Walter Brandmüller, Special Envoy to the celebrations for the 450th anniversary of the closing of the Ecumenical Council of Trent [Trent, 1st December 2013] - 19 November 2013

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Card. Jorge Liberato Urosa Savino, Special Envoy to the closing celebrations for the first centenary of the institution of the Ecclesiastical Province of Managua [Managua, Nicaragua, 2 December 2013] - 12 November 2013

    [ Latin ]

  • Preface by Pope Francis to the book of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone on Papal Diplomacy - L'Osservatore Romano, 10 November 2013

    [ English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Camerlengo of Holy Roman Church, on the occasion of his retirement from the office of Secretary of State - 15 October 2013

    [ English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter to Card. Ferdinando Filoni, Special Envoy to the celebrations of the 4th American Missionary Congress (CAM 4) and of the 9th Latin American Missionary Congress (COMLA 9) [Maracaibo, Venezuela, 26 November - 1st December 2013] - 14 October 2013

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Card. Cláudio Hummes, Special Envoy at the closing celebrations of the national pilgrimage to the relics of St. Roque Gonzalez de Santa Cruz and his companion martyrs, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of their canonization [Asunción, Paraguay, 15 November 2013] - 10 October 2013

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Card. Raffaele Farina, S.D.B., Special Envoy to the celebrations for the first centenary of Sophia University of Tokyo [1st November 2013] - 7 October 2013

    [ Latin ]

  • Chirograph by which a Council of Cardinals is established to assist the Holy Father in the governance of the universal Church and to study possible revisions of the Apostolic Constitution “Pastor Bonus” on the Roman Curia - 28 September 2013

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter to Card. Jean-Louis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Special Envoy to the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Lille (France) [26-27 October 2013] - 16 September 2013

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to the President of the Bishops' Conference of Argentina on the occasion of the beatification of Father José Gabriel Brochero - 14 September 2013

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Italian journalist Dr Eugenio Scalfari - 11 September 2013

    [ English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Polish  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter to H.E. Mr Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, on the occasion of the G20 St. Petersburg Summit - 4 September 2013

    [ English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Polish  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Message to H.E. Msgr. Manfred Scheuer, Bishop of Innsbruck, on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of St Notburga, 3 September 2013

    [ German ]

  • Letter to Card. Joachim Meisner, Archbishop of Köln, Special Envoy to the celebrations for the 750th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone of the Cathedral of Xanten [Germany, 13 October 2013] - 3 September 2013

    [ Latin ]

  • Chirograph by which H.E. Msgr. Pietro Parolin is nominated Secretary of State - 31 August 2013

    [ Latin ]

  • Chirograph of the Holy Father Francis for the institution of a Pontifical Commission for Reference on the Organisation of the economic-administrative structure of the Holy See - 18 July 2013

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter to Card. Péter Erdő, Special Envoy to the celebration for the 600th anniversary of the "Baptism" of Samogizia (Western region of Lithuania) [Telšiai, 2-4 August 2013] - 27 June 2013

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter to Card. Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino, Special Envoy to the closing celebrations of the first centenary of the elevation of the metropolitan Archdiocese of San Salvador and of the erection of the Dioceses of Santa Ana and San Miguel as well as the closing ceremony of the National Eucharistic Congress - San Salvador, 11 August 2013

    [ Latin ]
