رسائل 2016

  • Letter of the Holy Father to Bishops on the Feast of the Holy Innocents, 28 December 2016

    [ English  - French  - German  - Italian  - Polish  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the consecration of the Cathedral of Karonga, Malawi - 5 November 2016, 27 October 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the closing celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the Diocese of Caacupé, in Paraguay - Shrine of Nuestra Señora de los Milagros, 8 December 2016 - 15 October 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the XI Plenary Assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences -FABC-, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 28 November – 4 December 2016, 10 October 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father for the 90th anniversary of "Sankt Georgen" Faculty of Theology and Philosophy, 4 October 2016

    [ German ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the celebrations for the re-opening of the Memorial Shrine of Moses on Mount Nebo in Jordan, 15-16 October 2016], 3 October 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the consecration of the new Cathedral of Trondheim, Norway - 19 November 2016, 3 October 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Bishops of Buenos Aires, 5 September 2016

    [ Croatian  - Spanish ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy at the closing celebration of the day of thanksgiving for the canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta - Skopje, 11 September 2016, 22 August 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Chirograph of His Holiness Pope Francis by which he names H.E. Msgr. Vincenzo Paglia as the Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Institute “John Paul II” for Studies on Marriage and Family and President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, 15 August 2016

    [ English  - Italian  - Portuguese ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the 3rd Africa/Madagascar Congress on Divine Mercy -Kigali, Rwanda, 9-15 September 2016- 6 August 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the President of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina on the occasion of the Feast of San Cayetano, 1st August 2016

    [ Italian  - Spanish ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the 24th Mariological Marian International Congress -Fatima, 6-11 September 2016- 16 July 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the XVII National Eucharistic Congress in Brazil - Belém, 15-21 August 2016, 15 July 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father for the Bicentennial of Independence of the Argentine Republic, 8 July 2016

    [ English  - French  - Italian  - Portuguese  - Spanish ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy at the National Eucharistic Congress of Italy - Genoa, 15-18 September 2016, 7 June 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the celebrations for the 25th anniversary of the Minsk-Mohilev Archdiocese -Belarus- Budslau, 1-2 July 2016, 1 June 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy to the Solemn Eucharistic Celebration in Szombathely – formerly Sabaria (Hungary) on the occasion of the 1700th anniversary of the birth of St Martin of Tours - 9 July 2016, 27 May 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the Special Envoy at the Fourth National Eucharistic Congress of Portugal, Fatima, 10-12 June 2016 - 26 May 2016

    [ Latin ]

  • Letter of the Holy Father to the special envoy at the concluding celebrations of the bicentenary of the consecration of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago de Guatemala, to be held in conjunction with the Archdiocesan Eucharistic Congress - Guatemala City, 31 May - 5 June 2016, 24 May 2016

    [ Latin ]
