World Food Summit (Rome, 13-17 November 1996 -FAO)
Statement by His Holiness John Paul II at the Inaugural Session of the World Food Summit (November 13, 1996) [French, Italian, Spanish]
* * * World Conference on Women (Beijing, September 1995)
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Intervention by Msgr. Diarmuid Martin, Head of the delegation of the Holy See, at the World Summit of Social Development (Copenhagen, March 7, 1995) [Spanish]
Intervention by Msgr. Cándido Rubiolo, representative of the Holy See at the 6th regional Conference on the process of integration of women in the economic and social development of Latin America and the Caribbeans (September 25, 1994) [Spanish]
* * * International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 5-13 September 1994)
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Intervention by Msgr. Alfio Rapisarda at the 24th ordinary session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (June 8, 1994) [Spanish]
Intervention by Msgr. Girolamo Prigione at the General Assembly of the Organization of American States on cooperation for integral development and the fight against poverty (February 17-19, 1994) [Spanish]
Signature regarding the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Nuclear Arms and on their Destruction (January 14, 1993) [Spanish]
Norms regarding severance pay (December 15, 1987) [Italian]
Intervention by Msgr. Raffaele Renato Martino at the Third Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, November 12, 1987) [Spanish]
Rescriptum establishing the "Luigi Gedda Institute of Twin Research and Human Genetics" (April 5, 1985)
Statement of H.E. Msgr. Jan Schotte at the UN International Conference on Population and Development (Mexico, August 8 , 1984) [Spanish]
Statement of the delegate of the Holy See, Msgr. Edoardo Rovida, to the 60th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (Geneva, March 15, 1984) [Spanish]
Homily of the Dean of the College of Cardinals, Cardinal Carlo Confalonieri, during the celebration of the Holy Mass in memory of Popes Paul VI and John Paul I (September 27, 1981) [Portuguese]
Letter of the Substitute for the Secretary of State Mons. Eduardo Martínez Somalo, in the name of the Holy Father, to the Director of the Holy See Press Office (June 3, 1981) [Portuguese, Spanish]
Statement of the Holy See at the 17th Conference of European Ministers responsible for Family Affairs (Rome, May 20, 1981) [Portuguese, Spanish]
Statement by the Holy See at the European Conference on Sports (Palma de Mallorca, April 8, 1981) [Portuguese, Spanish]
Intervention of the Holy See at the 21st Conference of Unesco (Belgrade, September 30, 1980) [Portuguese] - Intervention of the Holy See at the 24th General Conference of AIEA in Vienna (September 22, 1980)
[Portuguese] -
Conference on the anti-nuclear weapon proliferation treaty (Geneva, August 13, 1980) [Portuguese] -
Letter of Card. Giuseppe Caprio, Substitute for General Affairs, on behalf of Pope John Paul II, to the World Movement of Christian Workers (April 26, 1979) [English, Spanish]
Letter to the Rector of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart on the occasion of University Day 1979 (April 26, 1979) [Italian, Spanish]
Intervention by the Delegation of the Holy See at the International Conference on refugees and emigrants of Southeast Asia (Geneva, June 21, 1979) [Spanish]
Homily of Card. Jean Villot, Secretary of State, on the occasion of the Mass pro eligendo Papa (October 14, 1978) [Portuguese]
Letter of Card. Jean Villot, on behalf of the Holy Father Paul VI, to the world session of the statutory Assembly of FIMARC (March 29, 1978) [French, Spanish]
Letter of Card. Jean Villot, on behalf of the Holy Father Paul VI, to participants in the Congress of the National Catholic Educational Association of the United States (March 27, 1978) [Spanish]
Letter of Card. Jean Villot, on behalf of the Holy Father Paul VI, for University Day of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan (March 21, 1978) [Italian, Spanish]
Letter of Card. Jean Villot, on behalf of the Holy Father Paul VI, to the Archbishop of Lucca on the occasion of the first centenary of the birth of St. Gemma Galvani (March 12, 1978) [Spanish]
Statement by Msgr. Achille Silvestrini, Delegate of the Holy See, at the close of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (Belgrade, March 9, 1978) [Spanish]
Letter of Card. Jean Villot, on behalf of the Holy Father Paul VI, to Dr. Papola, President of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (January 29, 1978) [French]
Letter of Card. Jean Villot, on behalf of the Holy Father Paul VI, on the occasion of the 31st Spanish Social Week (January 27, 1978) [Spanish]
Letter of Card. Jean Villot, on behalf of the Holy Father Paul VI, to the President of the 10th General Assembly of the Catholic International Education Office (CIEO) (January 13, 1978) [Spanish]
Letter of Card. Jean Villot, on behalf of the Holy Father, to the 2nd National Congress of the Christian Workers Movement (Naples, December 8-11, 1977) [Spanish]
Intervention by Msgr. Giovanni Cheli, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, at the 33rd ONU General Assembly (November 2, 1977) [Spanish]