July 2016
Other Pontifical Acts
In memoriam
Telegram of condolences for the attack in Dhaka, act of barbarism and offence against God and humanity
The Pope: together for Europe, necessary today more than ever
Cardinal Duka, special envoy to Hungary
Other Pontifical Acts
Angelus: all Christians share in the mission for the world
May the Lord convert the heart of the violent, blinded by hatred
Other Pontifical Acts
Pope's message: peace is possible in Syria
Beginning of the final phase in the trial for dissemination of reserved information and documents
To the pilgrimage of the poor of Lyon: you are at the heart of the Church, as Jesus always gave priority to those who suffer
The Pope meets the parents of the American student found dead in the Tiber
Information on the final phase of the trial for dissemination of reserved information and documents
Other Pontifical Acts
Information on the final phase in the trial for dissemination of confidential information and documents: concluding statements by the counsels for the defence
Other Pontifical Acts
Decrees for the causes of saints
Vatican City State Tribunal passes sentences in the trial for disclosure of reserved information and documents
Note from Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., on the reasons, procedures and conclusion of the trial for disclosure of reserved information and documents
Francis on the bicentenary of the Independence of the Argentine Republic
Telegram for the death of Cardinal Silvano Piovanelli
Motu Proprio of Pope Francis regarding competencies in economic-financial matters
Other Pontifical Acts
Angelus: who is my neighbour?
Francis recalls the difficult and dangerous work of seafarers
Programme of the Pope's apostolic trip to Georgia and Azerbaijan
Other Pontifical Acts
Holy See Press Office Communiqué: some clarifications on the celebration of Mass
Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue to visit Al-Azhar University
The Pope participates in the suffering of those affected by the train crash in southern Italy
Telegram for the death of Bishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Workers (Health Care Pastoral)
Communiqué on the first meeting of the Commission on Blessed Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac
Other Pontifical Acts
Cordiality and the importance of collaboration: secretary of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue visits Al-Azhar University
Rome to host international conference "Sport at the service of humanity", organised by the Pontifical Council for Culture
Other Pontifical Acts
Pope Francis' profound sorrow and condemnation of the attack in Nice
Other Pontifical Acts
The ability to listen is the root of peace
The Pope prays for the victims of the attack in Nice: may no man spill his brother's blood
Presentation of the programme for the Pope's apostolic trip to Poland for WYD
The Holy See at the United Nations: Eliminating the trafficking of children and young people
Pope's video message to Poland: World Youth Day, sign of harmony and mosaic of races, peoples and cultures united in the name of Jesus
Statistics of the Catholic Church in Poland
Other Pontifical Acts
Apostolic Constitution Vultum Dei quaerere on women's contemplative life
Summary of the Apostolic Constitution Vultum Dei quaerere
Vultum Dei quaerere: a post-Conciliar Apostolic Constitution
Programme of Pope Francis' trip to St. Mary of the Angels in Assisi
The Church in Poland: welcoming refugees
Telegram of condolences for the events in Munich
Angelus: when Jesus taught the Lord's Prayer
The Pope makes a new appeal against terrorism and violence
The Communauté de l'Emmanuel to succeed the Fraternité Monastique de Jérusalem at Trinità dei Monti, Rome
Other Pontifical Acts
Pope Francis appalled by the taking of hostages and murder of a priest in a church near Rouen
Message for the victims of the attack on a centre for the disabled near Tokyo
Press Release: Cooperation agreement between the Financial Information Authority (AIF) and the Bank of Italy
Pope Francis begins his trip to attend the 31st World Youth Day and greets a group of young refugees
Krakow, cradle of Polish culture, awaits the arrival of Pope Francis
Pope’s message to the young people of Brownsville, Texas, on the eve of World Youth Day
World Youth Day logo
On the flight to Poland: there is no war of religion – the world is at war because it has lost peace
Pope Francis’ first address in Poland: recalling St. John Paul II’s dream of European humanism
Greetings to young Italians in Krakow: conquer fear, ask for the grace of forgiveness and build bridges
Francis appears at the window of the archbishopric in Krakow to pray with the young and to remember a recently deceased WYD volunteer
Mass in the Jasna Góra shrine on the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of Poland: leave behind all past wrongs and wounds, and build fellowship with all
Other Pontifical Acts
Video message to the young people of Havana: do not give up, dream the world can be different
Francis repeats to newly-weds the three key words of marriage: “May I?”, “Thank you” and “I’m sorry”
Launch us on the adventure of mercy, says the Pope to young people at WYD in Blonia Park
In Auschwitz-Birkenau: Francis visits in silence and writes in the Book of Honour, “Lord, forgiveness for so much cruelty”
Other Pontifical Acts
In Prokocim Hospital: visiting the sick as a life decision
Via Crucis in Blonia: Jesus embraces the cross of pain and death of men and women of all time
Cruelty did not end at Auschwitz, says the Pope at the archbishopric of Krakow
Visit to the Shrine of Divine Mercy
Mass in the Shrine of St. John Paul II: continue to write the Gospel with the works of mercy
Other Pontifical Acts
Prayer for peace and for an end to violence and terrorism in the Church of St. Francis
Prayer vigil: we were born to change the world
Mass for World Youth Day: do not let your soul grow numb
Panama to host the 32nd World Youth Day in 2019
Pope Francis' prayer intentions for August