- Presentation
[English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
From the Holy Father
- Documents of the Holy See on the People of the Sea
- Documents and addresses of the Dicastery
AOS Regional Coordinators Meeting, Cardinal Renato Raffaele MARTINO
AOS International Fishing Committee Meeting, Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO
Final Statement of the Apostleship of the Sea Regional Coordinators Meeting
XXII Congresso Mondiale dell'Apostolato del Mare Message to seafarers (also in “French, Spanish and Italian”)
Manual for Chaplains and Pastoral Agents of the Apostleship of the Sea
In Solidarity with the People of the Sea as Witnesses of Hope, Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO
Message from the Pontifical Council on Sea Sunday (pour la Dimanche de la Mer, per la Domenica del Mare, para el Domingo del Mar) 2007
Message from the Pontifical Council on Sea Sunday (pour la Dimanche de la Mer, per la Domenica del Mare, para el Domingo del Mar) 2006
Message from the Pontifical Council on Sea Sunday (July 10, 2005)
Interview with Vatican Radio on the occasion of World Maritime Day (22 September 2005), Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO
AOS Pastoral Care in Cruise Ships (Message), 4 October 2005, Card. Stephen Fumio HAMAO – Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO
Regional Meeting of the Apostleship of the Sea for the Indian Ocean (Opening Talk), 5-7 June 2005, Card. Stephen Fumio HAMAO
The People of the Sea appeals to us: Let us move forward towards the open sea. A Latin American View (22-25 May 2005)
Regional Conference of the Apostleship of the Sea for North America and the Caribbean, Conclusions (24-26 Maggio 2005)
Address to the A.O.S Regional Coordinators Meeting Card. Stephen Fumio HAMAO
Talk on the occasion of the AOS International Fishing Committee Meeting, Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO
XVI Plenary Session of the Pontifical Council (2004) on "Living together: Ecumenical, inter-religious and intercultural dialogue in the world of migrants and itinerant people"
XXI World Congress of Apostolatus Maris: "The Apostleship of the Sea in a New Globalized World" (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 29th - October 5th, 2002)
Opening Address, H.E. Msgr Stephen Fumio HAMAO [English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
Concluding Observations, H.E. Msgr Agostino MARCHETTO [English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
Final Document [English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
Message to Seafarers [English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]
- Bulletin "Apostolatus Maris"
- Patron Saints
[English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]