The Holy See
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 Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

People on the Move

N° 106 (Suppl.-I), April 2008




p. 5

Messaggio del Santo Padre Benedetto XVI

p. 7

Short explanation of the choice of the theme

p. 11

Interview with Vatican Radio on the Congress (in 6 languages)

[English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish]

Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO


SUNDAY, 24 June 2007

p. 37

Meeting of the Bishop Promoters and National Directors

Introduction and Welcome

Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO





p. 41

p. 47


Problems and needs of national and local AOS


Rev. Giacomo Martino (no written text)

H.E. Msgr. Joshua Mar Ignathius

Fr. Raymond Desrochers




p. 53


The role of the Bishop Promoter


H.E. Msgr. Tom Burns

p. 59

H.E. Msgr. Tadeusz GocŁowski

p. 65

Fr. Samuel Fonseca, C.S.


p. 69

Formal opening of the Congress: 



Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO

p. 73

Message of the President of Poland


Monday, 25 June 2007

p. 77

Presentation of the theme of the Congress

Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO

p. 91

Current situation of the maritime world

Mr. David Cockroft

p. 95

The Apostleship of the Sea: witness of love, hope and solidarity in the light of the Encyclical “Deus caritas est” of Pope Benedict XVI

Fr. John Chalmers

p. 105

The state of AOS around the world

Msgr. Jacques Harel

p. 131

L’espérance, inspiratrice et moteur de l’engagement de l’Apostolat de la Mer

S.E. Mgr Pierre Molères


TUESDAY, 26 June  2007

p. 147


AOS: a specific pastoral care

Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino

p. 151

Presentation of the “AOS International Website”

Msgr. Jacques Harel and Comdr. Christopher York

p. 165

Witnesses of hope in an ecumenical and inter-religious surrounding

Msgr. Felix Machado




p. 185


p. 189

Round Table

ICMA/ITF-ST/ICSW: valued partners in our pastoral outreach


Dr. Jurgen Kanz

Mr. Tom Holmer (no written text)

Mr. Andrew Elliott


WEDNESDAY, 27 June 2007

p. 195

La liturgie nourrit la foi et l’espérance des communautés de marins et de pêcheurs

S.E. Mgr  René M. Ehouzou (in absentia)




p. 207

p. 211

p. 217

Round Table

The Deacon: ordained for the Proclamation of the Word, Liturgy and Charity


Deacon Ricardo Rodriguez-Martos

Diacre Jean-Philippe et Marie Agnès Rigaud

Deacon Albert Dacanay


THURSDAY, 28 June 2007

p. 225

AOS commitment to the fishing sector

Fr. Bruno Ciceri, C.S.

p. 231

Sostenibilidad y porvenir de las comunidades pesqueras: perspectivas de las esposas de los pescadores

Mrs. Cristina de Castro GARCÍA

p. 243

At the service of the maritime world: signs of hope

An Introduction to the “AOS Manual for Chaplains and Pastoral Agents”

Msgr. Jacques Harel

p. 249

Maritime Labour Convention 2006

Comdr. Douglas B. Stevenson




p. 259

Round Table

Cruise Ships Chaplaincy in the light of the theme of the Congress


Msgr. John Armitage and Fr. Luca Centurioni

p. 269

Fr. Sinclair Oubre

p. 275


p. 295

Final Document (also in “French and Spanish”)

p. 355

Message to seafarers (also in “French, Spanish and Italian”)

p. 373

List of participants

