2003 |
January |
February |
Mars |
April |
May |
June |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
January 2003 |
2003, January 8-12 Sarasota, U.S.A.
XI° National Meeting of Circus and Traveling Show Ministries Migration and Refugees Services, Office for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees |
2003, January 8-22 Auckland, New Zealand |
Research on professional sailors Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People |
February 2003 |
2003, February 1-2 London, UK |
Executive Committe Meeting on Development Study ICMA |
2003, February 3-4 Roma, Italy |
1° Incontro Europeo dei Direttori Nazionali per la Pastorale della Strada Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e gli Itineranti |
2003, February 17 Milano, Italy |
Convegno per gli operatori turistici nell'ambito della BIT Ecoturismo, tra sviluppo e rispetto delle culture Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e gli Itineranti - Conferenza Episcopale Italiana - Arcidiocesi di Milano |
2003, February 18-19 Ioannina, Greece |
Second Preparatory Seminar for the Eleventh OSCE (Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe) Economic Forum National and International Economic Impact of Trafficking in Human Beings |
2003, February 21-28 Roma, Italy |
Workshop for Pilgrimage Coordinators and Shrine Directors from the Dioceses of the United States Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. |
March 2003 |
2002, March 5-8 Fatqa-Kesrouan, Beyrouth, Liban |
Rencontre sur la Pastorale du Tourisme dans les Pays du Moyen-Orient et de Afrique du Nord Conseil Pontifical pour la Pastorale des Migrants et des Personnes en Déplacement - Assemblée des Patriarches et des Evêques Catholiques du Liban |
2003, March 10-14 Veracruz, Messico |
Congreso Nacional sobre la Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana Conferencia Episcopal de México - Comisión Episcopal para la Pastoral de la Movilidad Humana |
2003, March 21-23 Brugge, Belgium |
Rencontre Annuel des Membres du CCIT Comité Catholique Internationale pour les Tsiganes |
2003, March 30-31 Geneva, Switzerland |
Executive Committee Meeting ICMA |
April 2003 |
2003, April 29 - May 2 Pittsburgh, USA |
Annual Conference of the NCCAC National Conference of Catholic Airport Chaplains |
May 2003 |
2003, May 7-9 Bogotá, Colombia |
I Encuentro Continental sobre Globalización, Migración y Refugio Consejo Episcopal Lationamericano (CELAM), SEPMOV |
2003, May 12-16 Lyon, France |
VI European Meeting of Catholic Airport Chaplains and Chaplaincy Members European Secretariat of Catholic Airport Chaplains and Chaplaincy Members |
2003, May 18-24 Harare, Zimbabwe |
Annual IMBISA Regional Refugee Conference Poverty and Economic Justice - Refugees, Migrants and IDP Situations: "The Church's Vision for Life in all it's fullness" Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa |
2003, May 24 - June, 8 Kenya |
Pastoral Visit to the Church in Kenya The Role of the Church and Church NGO's with Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons |
June 2003 |
July 2003 |
2003, July 2-8 Budapest, Hungary
V° World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Nomads Pastorale degli Zingari - per "una spiritualità di communione" Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People |
2003, July 8-11 São Paolo, Brasil |
XVI° Assemblea Nazionale della Pastorale per i Nomadi |
September 2003 |
2003, September 19 Cardiff, UK |
Symposium Seafarers International Research Centre |
2003, September 27 |
Giornata Mondiale del Turismo Il turismo, elemento motore nella lotta contro la povertà, nella creazione di impieghi e nell'armonia sociale |
2003, September 29- October 3 Geneva, Switzerland |
54 Session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme United Nation's High Commission for Refugees |
October 2003 |
2003, September 30 - October 13 Dakar, Senegal |
13th Plenary Assembly Simposio delle Conferenze Episcopali dell'Africa e del Madagascar (SECAM) |
2003, October 4-5 Helsinki, Finland |
Executive Committee Meeting ICMA |
2003, October 6-10 Melbourne, Australia |
105° Assemblea Generale dell'AIT Alliance Internationale de Tourisme |
2003, October 20-24 Philippines |
1st Congress of Asian Shrine Rectors Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People - Association of Shrine Rectors & Promoters of Pilgrimages of the Philippines |
2003, October 26-30 |
Symposium International Committee of Seafarers Welfare |
November 2003 |
2003, November 17-22 Roma, Italy |
V Congresso Mondiale sulla Pastorale dei Migranti e dei Refugiati Ripartire da Cristo: per una rinnovata pastorale dei Migranti e dei Rifugiati Pontificio Consiglio della Pastorale per i Migranti e gli Itineranti |
December 2003 |