The Holy See
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 Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

People on the Move

N° 97, April 2005



pp. 3

Parola del Santo Padre - From the Holy Father


pp. 9

La mobilità dei popoli mediterranei

Cardinale Stephen Fumio HAMAO

pp. 19

The Instruction Erga migrantes caritas Christi: A Response of the Church to the Migration Phenomenon Today

Cardinal Stephen Fumio HAMAO

pp. 29

Integrazione interculturale: una sfida per l’Europa cristiana

S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO

pp. 41

Il lavoro, la sua dignità e le migrazioni

S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO

pp. 57

I Pellegrinaggi nel tempo e nello spazio

S.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO

pp. 69

La caridad de Cristo: los migrantes signo de los tiempos y la solicitud de la Iglesia P. Michael A. BLUME, SVD

pp. 77

The Spiritual Heart of the Airport (continuation)

Rev. Sr. Halina Urszula PANDER, A.M.

pp. 89

Bibbia e testi liturgici nella pastorale per gli Zingari

Rev. Sr. Halina Urszula PANDER, A.M.

Conclusione dell’Arcivescovo Agostino MARCHETTO


pp. 105 Attività del Pontificio Consiglio durante l’anno 2004

pp. 131

Programme of Activities of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People in 2005 (synthesis)

pp. 135

Linhas fundamentais da ação da Igreja nas migrações humanas

Cardeal Stephen Fumio HAMAO

pp. 139

Linhas de orientação para a pastoral migratória à luz da Instrução 

Erga migrantes caritas Christi

Cardeal Stephen Fumio HAMAO

pp. 143

Presenting Erga migrantes caritas Christi at the SECAM/CCEE Symposium

Cardinal Stephen Fumio HAMAO

pp. 147

La missione viene a noi. Pastorale con i migranti nel nuovo millennio

Cardinale Stephen Fumio HAMAO

pp. 151

Mensaje inaugural en Quito para los emigrantes

Cardeal Stephen Fumio HAMAO

pp. 155

Homilía en Quito

Cardeal Stephen Fumio HAMAO

pp. 157

Addresse to the A.O.S. Regional Coordinators Meeting

Cardinal Stephen Fumio HAMAO

pp. 161

Talk on the occasion of the AOS International Fishing Committee Meeting

Archbishop Agostino MARCHETTO

pp. 165

La Declaración de Buenos Aires

(en ocasión del Encuentro Sudamericano de pastoral de movilidad humana: CELAM)

pp. 169

La Declaración: “El migrante nos convierte” 

(a conclusión del Encuentro pastoral de Movilidad humana: CELAM, Centroamérica, México y el Caribe)

pp. 173

A Message from the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference on Asylum Seekers and Refugees, May 2004

pp. 177

No to Attacks on Refugees and Migrants

Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue (Great Britain)

pp. 179

Airport Chaplains and Asylum Seekers

Rev. Fr. Frans THOOLEN, S.M.A.

pp. 185

New Directions in Catechesis with Immigrants in the USA



pp. 195

The General Council of the Forum of Christian Organizations for the Pastoral Care of Circus and Carnival Workers

Msgr. Anthony CHIRAYATH

pp. 199

Exodus Meeting on “Non-Access, Refoulement and Deportation in Europe’s Airports”

Rev. Fr. Frans THOOLEN, S.M.A.

pp. 205

