On 19 March 2022, the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium on the Roman Curia and its Service to the Church in the World was published. Its entry into force on 5 June next also requires a revision of the General Regulations of the Roman Curia currently in force (cf. art. 43 § 1), so that they correspond not only to the Norms but also to the Principles that inspire the constitutional text. The new Rules should also make the working relationships in the Roman Curia and their management more sustainable and efficient, and provide the appropriate criteria for drawing up the Ordines servandi, which every curial institution and every office must have (cf. art. 43 § 2).
To this end
I appoint
an Interdicastery Commission composed of:
Archbishop Filippo IANNONE, O. Carm., President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, presiding;
Archbishop Edgar PEÑA PARRA, Substitute for General Affairs of the Secretary of State;
Archbishop Nunzio Galantino, President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See;
Bishop Marco Mellino, Secretary;
The Reverend Fr. Juan Antonio GUERRERO ALVES, S.J., Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy;
Professor VINCENZO BUONOMO, Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University.
It shall have the task of
a) Adapting the General Regulations of the Roman Curia to the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium, making to the latter the amendments deemed necessary to make it more in keeping with the present needs of the Roman Curia;
b) Expressing its opinion on the Ordines servandi and/or the Statutes of the Curial Institutions, the Offices and the Institutions connected to the Holy See, drawn up in compliance with the new General Regulations. The Commission will offer appropriate suggestions for the drafting of the texts so that there is consistency between them and the rules and procedures for their future updating.
The Commission will avail itself of the collaboration of skilled and experienced experts and Officials of the Roman Curia.
The General Regulations and the Ordines servandi and/or the Statutes will be submitted to the Roman Pontiff for approval (cf. Praedicate Evangelium, Art. 43).
With the approval of the aforementioned normative provisions, the Commission will cease its activity.
From the Vatican, 12 April 2022, tenth year of my Pontificate