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Sala Stampa

Telegram of condolences for the death of Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, 18.03.2017

The following is the full text of the telegram of condolences for the death this morning of Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, of the title of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, archbishop emeritus of Prague, sent by the Holy Father Francis to Cardinal Dominik Duka, O.P., archbishop of Prague.

Telegram from the Holy Father

Dear Cardinal Dominik Duka
Archbishop of Prague

I have learned of the departure of Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, archbishop emeritus of Prague, at the end of a painful illness borne with faith and trust in the Lord. I raise fervent prayers to God, that He grant eternal repose to this zealous and generous pastor, and I join spiritually with the faithful of the diocesan community where he exercised his episcopal ministry with care. I recall with admiration his tenacious fidelity to Christ, despite deprivations and persecutions against the Church, as well as his fruitful and abundant apostolic activity inspired by the desire to bear witness to all the joy of the Gospel, promoting an authentic faithful ecclesial renewal, always obedient to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In expressing my deepest condolences to the relatives of the deceased cardinal, the clergy and all the faithful of this dear archdiocese, I impart my heartfelt and consolatory apostolic blessing as a sign of faith and Christian hope in the risen Lord.

