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Sala Stampa

Holy Father’s calendar for February and March, 24.01.2017

The Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff has published the following calendar of liturgical celebrations at which the Holy Father will preside during the months of February and March 2017:


Thursday 2: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, 21st World Day of Consecrated Life. At 5.30 p.m. in the Vatican Basilica, Holy Mass with the members of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life.


Wednesday 1: Ash Wednesday. At 4.30 p.m. in the Church of St. Anselm, Statio and penitential procession. At 5 p.m. in the Basilica of St. Sabina, blessing and imposition of the Ashes.

Sunday 5: First Sunday of Lent. In Ariccia, beginning of the spiritual exercises for the Roman Curia.

Friday 10: Conclusion of the Spiritual Exercises for the Roman Curia.
