Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Audiences, 23.06.2022

This morning, the Holy Father Francis received in audience:

- The Reverend Renato Tarantelli Baccari, director of the Legal Office of the Vicariate of Rome;

- Archbishop Hubertus Matheus Maria van Megen, titular of Novaliciana, apostolic nuncio in Kenya and South Sudan; Holy See Permanent Observer at the United Nations Agencies for the Environment and Human Settlements;

- His Excellency Fra’ John T. Dunlap, Lieutenant of the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and entourage;

- His Excellency Mr. Robert Compaoré, ambassador of Burkina Faso, on his farewell visit;

- Participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Reunion of Aid Agencies for the Oriental Churches (R.O.A.C.O.);

- Her Excellency Raquel Peña, vice president of the Dominican Republic, and entourage;

- Participants in the meeting organized by the Pontifical Academy of Mary, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate.

Today, the Pope will receive in audience:

- Members of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches.
