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Press Release of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, 04.06.2022

Plenary Session (6-8 June 2022)

The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue reports that from 6 to 8 June, presided over by Cardinal Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot M.C.C.J., president, the Plenary Session of the Dicastery is to be convened in Rome on the theme “Interreligious Dialogue and Conviviality”.

The theme will be addressed from a general point of view through a number of papers related to different geographical areas and through moments of reflection and exchange among the participants.

Members and consultors of the Pontifical Council, and the Reverend Dr. Abraham Silo Wilar, as Representative of the World Council of Churches, have been invited to the Plenary Session.

The Most Reverend Msgr. Indunil J. Kodithuwakku K., secretary of the Dicastery, will present the activities of the Council in recent years. The Plenary Assembly is always a joyful and timely occasion to reflect on the current situation of interreligious dialogue in various parts of the world and to explore further what the role of the Christian community should be in promoting conviviality and fraternity among members of different religious traditions, so that they may contribute to the good of all humanity.

Participants in the Plenary Session, at the beginning of the proceedings, will be received in audience by the Holy Father.
