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Resignations and Appointments, 13.04.2022

Appointment of member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

Appointment of member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

Appointment of member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences


Appointment of member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

The Holy Father has appointed the distinguished Professor Zeresenay Alemseged, professor in the Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy of the University of Chicago, United States of America, as member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Curriculum vitae

The distinguished Professor Zeresenay Alemseged was born on 4 June 1969 in Axum, Ethiopia. He was awarded a doctorate in paleontology from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris in 1998. Among other offices, he has served as president of the Department of Anthropology at the California Academy of Sciences. He is professor in the Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy of the University of Chicago, and member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (United States of America). He is the author of several publications.


Appointment of member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

The Holy Father has appointed the distinguished Professor Stanley Ben Prusiner, director of the Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases of the University of California San Francisco, United States of America, as member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Curriculum vitae

The distinguished Professor Stanley Ben Prusiner was born on 28 May 1942 in Des Moines, United States of America. He was awarded a doctorate in medicine in 1968 from the University of Pennsylvania. Among other awards, he won the Wolf Prize in Medicine in 1995 and the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1997. He is director of the Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases and professor of neurology and biochemistry at the University of California San Francisco, United States of America. He is the author of several publications.


Appointment of member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

The Holy Father has appointed the distinguished Professor Emilce Cuda, secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, as member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Curriculum vitae

The distinguished Professor Emilce Cuda was born on 26 December 1965 (age 56) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She was awarded a doctorate in theology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina in Buenos Aires, and studied political science at the Northwestern University in Chicago, United States of America. She has held, among others, the following offices: lecturer in theology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina and Saint Thomas University, United States of America, and office head at the Pontifical Commission for Latin America. She is secretary of the same Pontifical Commission.
