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Sala Stampa

Holy See Press Office Communiqué, 05.06.2020

Today the Office of the Promoter of Justice of the Vatican Tribunal, at the end of the interrogation of Mr. Gianluigi Torzi, who was assisted by his lawyers, issued an arrest warrant against him.

The order, signed by the Promoter of Justice, Professor Gian Piero Milano, and the adjunct  Promoter Mr. Alessandro Diddi, was issued in relation to the well-known events connected with the sale of the London property on Sloane Avenue, which involved a network of companies in which some officials of the Secretariat of State were present.

The accused is charged with various episodes of extortion, embezzlement, aggravated fraud and money-laundering, offences for which the Vatican Law provides for sentences of up to twelve years imprisonment.

At present, Mr. Gianluigi Torzi is detained in special premises at the Barracks of the Gendarmerie Corps.
