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Resignations and Appointments, 14.11.2019

Appointment of metropolitan archbishop of Bordeaux, France

Appointment of prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy of the Holy See


Appointment of metropolitan archbishop of Bordeaux, France

The Holy Father has appointed Bishop Jean-Paul James of Nantes as metropolitan archbishop of Bordeaux.

Archbishop-elect Jean-Paul James was born on 14 July 1952 in Rennes, in the archdiocese of the same name. He carried out his primary studies in the Catholic schools of Assomption and Saint-Vincent in Rennes. He obtained a licentiate in economic sciences at the Institut National de Sciences Economiques (INSEE) in Paris, and then entered the Saint-Yves major seminary of Rennes, where in 1984 he obtained the Baccalaureate. He completed his studies in theology in Rome, at the French Seminary, receiving a licentiate in canon law and a degree in moral theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University.

He was ordained a priest on 22 September 1985 for the archdiocese of Rennes.

Immediately after priestly ordination he exercised his ministry as parish vicar in the Saint-Augustin parish in Rennes (1985-1987). From 1988 to 1990 he collaborated in the parish of Saint-Louis des Français, while in Rome as a student. In 1990 he became professor of moral theology at the major seminary of Rennes, and head of the Diocesan Vocational Service, offices he held until 1999 when he became rector of the same seminary. At the same time he served, from 1990, as assistant of the Antenne of the Arche (home for disabled people, of Jean Vanier) in Bruz.

He was elected as bishop of Beauvais on 9 January 2003, and consecrated the following 6 April. On 8 July he was transferred to the episcopal see of Nantes. Within the French Episcopal Conference he is member of the Council for Interreligious Relations and the New Religious Movements.


Appointment of prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy of the Holy See

The Holy Father has appointed as prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy of the Holy See the Reverend Fr. Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, S.J., general counsellor of the Society of Jesus.

The Reverend Fr. Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, S.J., was born in Mérida, Spain on 20 April 1959 and entered the novitiate of the Society of Jesus in 1979. He was ordained a priest on 30 May 1992. He holds a licentiate in economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid (1986), a licentiate in philosophy and letters from the same university (1993) and a licentiate in theology from the Comillas Pontifical University (1994).

He has served as professor of social and political philosophy at the Comillas Pontifical University (1994-1997 and 1999-2003), master of novices of the Jesuits in Spain (2003-2008), provincial superior of the province of Castilla (2008-2014), treasurer of the Society of Jesus in Mozambique (2015-2017) and director of the Saint Ignatius of Loyola College (2016-2017) in the same country. Since 2017 he has served as delegate of the superior general in Rome for interprovincial homes and works, and general counsellor of the Society of Jesus.
