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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 20.02.2019

Appointment of bishop of Viana, Brazil

Appointment of auxiliary of Cartagena, Spain


Appointment of bishop of Viana, Brazil

The Holy Father Francis has appointed as bishop of the diocese of Viana, Brazil, the Rev. Fr. Evaldo Carvalho dos Santos, C.M., former provincial superior, currently parish priest of Santo Antônio in Quixeramobim, diocese of Quixadá.

Rev. Fr. Evaldo Carvalho dos Santos, C.M.

The Rev. Fr. Evaldo Carvalho dos Santos, C.M., was bor non 9 March 1969 in Fortaleza, State of Ceará. He gave his religious vows on 27 September 1995 in the Congregation of the Mission and was ordained a priest on 10 January 1998.

He attended courses in philosophy (1991-1994) and theology at the Instituto de Pastoral Regional in Belém do Pará (1995-1999). He has a specialization in social services from the University of Amazonia – UNAMA (2005-2008) and a specialization in social services, public policy and social rights from the State University of Ceará – UECE (2012-2013).

During his priestly ministry he has held the following offices: parish vicar of São José in Tucuruí, diocese of Cametá (1998); missionary in the Itaituba Mission, in the prelature of the same name (1999); parish priest of São Pedro e São Paulo and formator of the Lazzarist Seminary of Philosophy in Fortaleza (2000-2002); director of the seminary of the province of Fortaleza (preparatory, philosophy and theology); rector of the Lazarist Seminary of Theology at Belém do Pará (2003-2009); parish vicar of Nossa Senhora dos Remédios in Fortaleza (2010); vice provincial of the Lazzarist province of Fortaleza (2007-2010) and then provincial superior of the same province (2010-2016); parish priest of São Pedro e São Paulo in Fortaleza.

He was also a member of the Directorate of the CRB - Conferência dos Religiosos do Brasil - (2002-2003) and member of the Coordination of Social Pastorals of the archdiocese of Fortaleza (2009-2010).

He is currently parish priest of Santo Antônio in Quixeramobim, in the diocese of Quixadá.


Appointment of auxiliary of Cartagena, Spain

The Pope has appointed as auxiliary bishop of Cartagena, Spain, the Rev. Sebastián Chico Martínez, of the clergy of the same see and rector of the minor and major seminaries, assigning him the titular see of Valliposita.

Rev. Sebastián Chico Martínez

The Rev. Sebastián Chico Martínez was born in Cehegín, province of Murcia and diocese of Cartagena, on 12 May 1968. He qualified as a technical engineer at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena. He entered the major seminary of San Fulgencio in 1995, where he carried out his philosophical and theological studies, obtaining a bachelor’s degree in theology.

He was ordained a priest on 7 July 2001.

After priestly ordination he served as parish vicar of San Francisco Javier in Murcia (2001-2003); parish priest of Santiago Apóstol and of San Isidoro in Cartagena (2003-2010), parish priest of Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Santomera (2010-2011), and episcopal vicar (2010-2011). Since 2011 he has served as rector of the minor and major seminaries and in 2016 he also became canon of the Cathedral and member of the college of consultors.
