Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Joint Declaration of the participants in the Conference: “Dharma and Logos. Dialogue and collaboration in a complex era. Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jains and Sikhs” (Rome, 15 May 2018), 16.05.2018

Joint Declaration

We, leaders, academics and followers of Christianity and the Dharmic religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism) from Italy and abroad, gathered on 15 May 2018 for a conference entitled “Dharma and Logos. Dialogue and collaboration in a complex era. Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jains and Sikhs” This is the first conference of this kind to be held in Italy, and was prepared by a series of meetings held over a long period of time with the participation of members of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, of the Italian Hindu Union, the Italian Buddhist Union, the Sikhi Sewa Society, the Institute of Jainist Studies in London and the National Office for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the Italian Episcopal Conference.

The conference was held in a cordial atmosphere and was divided into several phases: the inauguration, four academic sessions and a final act. It was an experience of enrichment and learning.

Encouraged by the positive results of today’s Conference, we the participants wish to affirm the following by common agreement.

1. We recognize that the very fact of our meeting in a spirit of friendship and respect is a sign of our common desire to show that dialogue and collaboration are possible in this complex era.

2. We are aware that the search for the peaceful wellbeing of all is a testimony of our respective religious beliefs and, at the same time, our shared conviction.

3. We agree that complex issues and serious challenges afflict our current world.

4. We believe that the spiritual treasures of our religious traditions and common human solidarity must help in overcoming the trials of our time.

5. We affirm that this interreligious conference has contributed significantly to deepening mutual respect, understanding and cooperation.

6. We emphasize the importance and need to increase our commitment to common dialogue and mutual collaboration, in the spirit of love and truth, while remaining deeply rooted in our respective religious traditions to be able to effectively meet the challenges of our time and build a culture of encounter and dialogue.

7. We appeal to religious leaders, academics and followers of our religions to build bridges, to join our hands with all people of good will to help build peace in the world of today and tomorrow.
