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Resignations and Appointments, 16.05.2018

Resignation of bishop of Registro, Brazil, and appointment of successor

Resignation of bishop of Timişoara, Romania, and appointment of successor


Resignation of bishop of Registro, Brazil, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father Francis has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Registro, Brazil, presented by H.E. Msgr. José Luiz Bertanha, S.V.D.

The Pope has appointed as bishop of the diocese of Registro, Brazil, the Rev. Fr. Manoel Ferreira dos Santos Júnior, M.S.C., currently rector and parish priest of the Nossa Senhora Aparecida do Sul Shrine in the diocese of Itapetininga.

Rev. Fr. Manoel Ferreira dos Santos Júnior, M.S.C.

The Rev. Fr. Manoel Ferreira dos Santos Júnior, M.S.C., was born on 21 March 1967 in Itapetininga, in the diocese of the same name, in the State of São Paulo. He completed his studies in philosophy at the São Francisco University in São Paulo (1987-1989) and in theology at the Nossa Senhora da Assunção Pontifical Faculty in São Paulo (1991-1994), where he then obtained a licentiate in pastoral theology. (1998-2002). He also attended a course in spiritual guidance at the Salesian University Centre of São Paulo (2006).

On 2 February 1991, he gave his religious profession in the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and was ordained a priest on 7 January 1995.

Within his Congregation he has held the following positions: rector of the Pre-Novitiate and of the seminary of theology, vice-master of novices; coordinator of the Rehabilitation House for drug addicts; vice-provincial and provincial superior for two terms (2011-2017). In addition, he was parish vicar and then pastor-rector of the Sagrado Coração de Jesus Shrine in São Paulo; parish priest of São Benedito in São Paulo, of Santa Rita de Cássia in Pirassununga (diocese of Limeira) and of Nossa Senhora da Soledade in Delfim Moreira (archdiocese of Pouso Alegre).

He is currently parish priest-rector of the Nossa Senhora Aparecida do Sul Shrine, in the diocese of Itapetininga.


Resignation of bishop of Timişoara, Romania, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Timişoara, Romania, presented by H.E. Msgr. Martin Roos.

The Pope has appointed as bishop of Timişoara the Rev. Canon József-Csaba Pál, of the clergy of the same diocese, currently archdeacon and parish priest of Reşiţa.

Rev. Canon József-Csaba Pál

The Rev. Canon József-Csaba Pál was born on 5 December 1955 in Frumoasa / Csíkszépvíz in the archdiocese of Alba Iulia. He studied at the minor seminary in the years 1972-1974, then carried out his military service in 1974-75. He entered the major seminary, completing his studies at the Alba Iulia Theological Studium.

He was ordained a priest on 21 June 1981 for the same archdiocese, where he exercised his pastoral ministry for four years as vicar of the Saint John the Baptist parish in Târgu-Mureş.

In 1985 as a “fidei donum” priest he was sent to the diocese of Timişoara to replace a group of priests of German origin who had returned to Germany.

He was responsible for the parish of Buziaş-Bacova (diocese of Timişoara) for the first two years (1985-1987), after which he held the parish of Saint Mary of the Snow in Reşiţa uninterruptedly. In 2000 he was incardinated in the diocese of Timişoara and was also nominated as archdeacon, member of the college of consultors and of the presbyteral council. Since 2002 he has also been honorary canon of Timişoara Cathedral.
