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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 29.12.2017

Resignation of archbishop of Rabat, Morocco, and appointment of successor

Appointment of auxiliary bishops of Madrid


Resignation of archbishop of Rabat, Morocco, and appointment of successor

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Rabat, Morocco, presented by H.E. Msgr. Vincent Landel, S.C.I.

The Pope has appointed as archbishop of the archdiocese of Rabat, Morocco, Rev. Don Cristóbal López Romero S.D.B., currently Provincial of the Salesian Province of María Auxiliadora in Spain.

Rev. Don Cristóbal López Romero, S.D.B.

Rev. Don Cristóbal López Romero, S.D.B., was born on May 19, 1952 in Vélez-Rubio, diocese of Almeria, Spain.

He joined the Salesian Family in 1964. After completing his secondary studies at the Salesian Seminary in Gerona, he entered the Salesian Seminary in Barcelona, where he studied philosophy (1973-1975) and theology (1975-1979). He obtained a licentiate in Information Sciences, (journalism section), at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1982).

He made his first profession on 16 August 1968 and his solemn profession on 2 August 1974. He was ordained a priest on 19 May 1979. Since priestly ordination he has held the following positions:

Ministry in support of the marginalized in La Verneda, in Barcelona (1979-1984); youth ministry in the Salesian College of Asunción, Paraguay (1984-1986); provincial delegate for vocational youth ministry in Asunción (1986-1992); director of the Salesian Bulletin in Asunción (1991-1992); parish priest in Asunción (1992-1994); provincial of the Salesian Province of Paraguay (1994-2000); director of the community, pastoral ministry and teacher in the College of Asunción (2000-2002); ministry in the Missions in Paraguay (2002-2003); director of the Community, parish pastoral ministry and pastoral care of schools in the Centre for vocational training in Kénitra, Morocco (2003-2011); provincial of the Salesian Province of Bolivia (2011-2014); and provincial of the Salesian Province of María Auxiliadora in Spain (since 2014).


Appointment of auxiliary bishops of Madrid

The Holy Father has appointed as auxiliary bishop of the metropolitan archdiocese of Madrid, Spain, Rev. Jesús Vidal Chamorro, of the clergy of Madrid, currently rector of the Major Seminary of the same archdiocese and pastor of the parish of Santa María de la Cabeza, assigning him the titular see of Elepla .

The Holy Father has appointed as auxiliary bishop of the metropolitan archdiocese of Madrid, Spain, Rev. José Cobo Cano, of the clergy of Madrid, currently episcopal vicar of the same archdiocese, assigning him the titular see of Beatia.

The Holy Father has appointed as auxiliary bishop of the metropolitan archdiocese of Madrid, Spain, Rev. Santos Montoya Torres, of the clergy of Madrid, currently pastor of the parish of Blessed María Ana de Jesús, assigning him the titular see of Orta.


Rev. Jesús Vidal Chamorro

The Rev. Jesús Vidal Chamorro was born in Madrid on 6 May 1974. He obtained a licentiate in economics from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1997 and a licentiate in theology from the San Dámaso Ecclesiastical University in 2007.

He was ordained a priest on 8 May 2004 and incardinated in Madrid. He has held the positions of: parish vicar of Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Fátima (2004), deputy chaplain of General Catholic Action of Madrid and vice rector of the Santo Niño del Remedio Church (2004-2008), rector of the same Church and Chaplain of General Catholic Action of Madrid (2008-2015), diocesan chaplain of Manos Unidas (2008-2013), deputy national chaplain of Manos Unidas (2010-2013), member of the presbyteral council (2012-2015) ), and episcopal delegate for the pastoral care of children and young people (2013-2015). He has served as rector of the major seminary since 2015, parish priest of Santa María de la Cabeza since 2016 and member of the college of consultors since 2017.


Rev. José Cobo Cano

The Rev. José Cobo Cano was born in Sobiote, diocese of Jaén, on 20 September 1965. He obtained a licentiate in civil law from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1988 and a bachelor’s degree in theology from the “San Dámaso” Ecclesiastical University in 1992. He studied social morals at the Pontifical University of “Comillas”, Madrid, in 1996.

He was ordained a priest on 23 April 1994 for the archdiocese of Madrid. He has held various offices, including: chaplain of “Hermandades del Trabajo” (1994-2000), parish vicar of “San Leopoldo” (1995-2000), parish priest of “San Alfonso María de Ligorio” (2000-2015) and member of the presbyteral council (2000-2012). Since 2015 he has served as episcopal vicar of Vicaria II.


Rev. Santos Montoya Torres

The Rev. Santos Montoya Torres was born in Solana, diocese of Ciudad Real, on 22 June 1966. He obtained a licentiate in chemical sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid in 1993. In 2012 he obtained a licentiate in theology from the “San Dámaso” Ecclesiastical University.

He was ordained a priest in Madrid on 18 June 2000 and has held the following positions: formator in the minor seminary of Madrid (2000-2012), deputy director (2001-2002) and director of the same minor seminary (2002-2012), collaborator in the “Purísimo Corazón” (2006-2008) and chaplain of the Conceptionist Sisters (2011-2012). Since 2012 he has served as pastor of the “Beata María Ana de Jesús” parish. Since 2015 he has been archpriest of the area and elected member of the presbyteral council, and since 2017 he has been a member of the college of consultors.
