Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Sentence of Vatican City State Tribunal in the criminal trial of Giuseppe Profiti and Massimo Spina, 14.10.2017

In the name of His Holiness

Pope Francis

The Tribunal

pursuant to Art. 417, para. 1, c.p.p., and re-qualifying the fact of the accusation pursuant to Art .175 c.p. (abuse of office);

pursuant to Art. 422 c.p.p.


Profiti Giuseppe to one (1) year of reclusion, a temporary ban on holding public office for the same period, and a fine of € 5,000.00 (five thousand), in view of the concession of general mitigating circumstances, pursuant to Art. 59 c.p.;

pursuant to Art. 423 c.p.p., grants the aforementioned defendant the conditional suspension of the sentence for a period of 5 (five) years;

pursuant to Art. 425 c.p.p., reminds the defendant of the significance of the benefit conceded and warns that, should he commit a further crime within the term established, he will be required to serve the full sentence in accordance with the law;

pursuant to Art. 39 c.p. and 429 c.p.p.,

orders him to defray the costs of the trial;

pursuant to Art. 421 c.p.p.


Spina Massimo for not having committed the offence.


Vatican City State, 14 October 2017

Signed by: Paolo Papanti-Pelletier, President
               Venerando Marano, Judge
               Carlo Bonzano, Judge
               Elisa Pacella, substitute Chancellor


