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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 02.05.2017

Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Xuân Lôc, Viêt Nam

The Holy Father has appointed as auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Xuân Lôc, Viêt Nam, Rev. John Do Van Ngan, lecturer and vice rector of the St. Joseph interdiocesan major seminary of Xuân Lôc, assigning him the titular see of Buleliana.

Rev. John Do Van Ngan

Rev. John Do Van Ngan was born on 7 June 1953 in Ninh Dinh, diocese of Pham Diem. From 1965 to 1973 he was a pupil at the St. Joseph minor seminary of Saigon. From 1973 to 1977 he carried out his priestly formation at the Pontifical St. Pius X College of Ðà Lat. In 1998 he obtained a licentiate in Vietnamese literature from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh City. From 2006 to 2010 he completed his studies at the Santo Tomas University in Manila, Philippines, obtaining a licentiate in philosophy. He was ordained a priest on 14 January 1992 for the diocese of Xuân Lôc.

After ordination, he held the following offices: vicar of Ninh Phat parish, Xuân Lôc (1992-1994); pastor of Ninh Phat parish, Xuân Lôc (1994-2005); notary of the diocesan tribunal of Xuân Lôc (1995-2005); and teacher at the major seminary of Xuân Lôc (2005-2006). He studied in the Philippines from 2006 to 2010, and has served as professor of philosophy and vice rector at the major seminary of Xuân Lôc since 2010.
