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Alphabetical [« »] lop 2 lopped-off 1 lops 1 lord 8722 lorded 4 lordly 1 lords 41 | Frequency [« »] 10124 that 9418 i 9269 with 8722 lord 7967 not 7832 they 7741 as | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances lord |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
3001 His, 1Kin 14: 15 | themselves and thus provoked the LORD. ~ 3002 His, 1Kin 14: 18 | Israel mourning him, as the LORD had prophesied through his 3003 His, 1Kin 14: 21 | the tribes of Israel, the LORD chose to be honored. His 3004 His, 1Kin 14: 22 | evil in the sight of the LORD, and by their sins angered 3005 His, 1Kin 14: 24 | of the nations whom the LORD had cleared out of the Israelites' 3006 His, 1Kin 14: 25(1) | treasures of the temple of the LORD and of the king's palace ( 3007 His, 1Kin 14: 26 | treasures of the temple of the LORD and those of the royal palace, 3008 His, 1Kin 14: 28 | visited the temple of the LORD, those on duty would carry 3009 His, 1Kin 15: 3 | was not entirely with the LORD, his God, like the heart 3010 His, 1Kin 15: 4 | Yet for David's sake the LORD, his God, gave him a lamp 3011 His, 1Kin 15: 5 | because David had pleased the LORD and did not disobey any 3012 His, 1Kin 15: 11 | 11 ~Asa pleased the LORD like his forefather David, ~ 3013 His, 1Kin 15: 14 | heart was entirely with the LORD as long as he lived. ~ 3014 His, 1Kin 15: 15 | brought into the temple of the LORD his father's and his own 3015 His, 1Kin 15: 18 | treasuries of the temple of the LORD and of the royal palace. 3016 His, 1Kin 15: 26 | 26 ~He did evil in the LORD'S sight, imitating his father' 3017 His, 1Kin 15: 29 | to the warning which the LORD had pronounced through his 3018 His, 1Kin 15: 30 | by which he provoked the LORD, the God of Israel, to anger. ~ 3019 His, 1Kin 15: 34 | 34 ~He did evil in the LORD'S sight, imitating the conduct 3020 His, 1Kin 16: 1 | 1 ~The LORD spoke against Baasha to 3021 His, 1Kin 16: 7 | Jehu, son of Hanani, the LORD had threatened Baasha and 3022 His, 1Kin 16: 7 | did in the sight of the LORD, provoking him to anger 3023 His, 1Kin 16: 12 | house of Baasha, as the LORD had prophesied to Baasha 3024 His, 1Kin 16: 13 | to commit, provoking the LORD, the God of Israel, to anger 3025 His, 1Kin 16: 19 | evil in the sight of the LORD by imitating the sinful 3026 His, 1Kin 16: 25 | But Omri did evil in the LORD'S sight beyond any of his 3027 His, 1Kin 16: 26 | to sin and to provoke the LORD, the God of Israel, to anger 3028 His, 1Kin 16: 30 | evil in the sight of the LORD more than any of his predecessors. ~ 3029 His, 1Kin 16: 33 | He did more to anger the LORD, the God of Israel, than 3030 His, 1Kin 16: 34 | set up the gates, as the LORD had foretold through Joshua, 3031 His, 1Kin 17: 1 | Gilead, said to Ahab: "As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, 3032 His, 1Kin 17: 1(1) | of the "great day of the Lord"; cf Malachi 3:18(23-24); 3033 His, 1Kin 17: 2 | 2 ~The LORD then said to Elijah: ~ 3034 His, 1Kin 17: 5 | So he left and did as the LORD had commanded. He went and 3035 His, 1Kin 17: 8 | 8 ~So the LORD said to him: ~ 3036 His, 1Kin 17: 12 | 12 ~"As the LORD, your God, lives," she answered, " 3037 His, 1Kin 17: 14 | 14 ~For the LORD, the God of Israel, says, ' 3038 His, 1Kin 17: 14 | until the day when the LORD sends rain upon the earth.'" ~ 3039 His, 1Kin 17: 16 | jug of oil run dry, as the LORD had foretold through Elijah. ~ 3040 His, 1Kin 17: 20 | 20 ~He called out to the LORD: "O LORD, my God, will you 3041 His, 1Kin 17: 20 | called out to the LORD: "O LORD, my God, will you afflict 3042 His, 1Kin 17: 21 | times and called out to the LORD: "O LORD, my God, let the 3043 His, 1Kin 17: 21 | called out to the LORD: "O LORD, my God, let the life breath 3044 His, 1Kin 17: 22 | 22 ~The LORD heard the prayer of Elijah; 3045 His, 1Kin 17: 24 | Elijah. "The word of the LORD comes truly from your mouth." ~ ~ ~ 3046 His, 1Kin 18: 1 | in the third year, the LORD spoke to Elijah, "Go, present 3047 His, 1Kin 18: 4 | zealous follower of the LORD. When Jezebel was murdering 3048 His, 1Kin 18: 4 | murdering the prophets of the LORD, Obadiah took a hundred 3049 His, 1Kin 18: 7 | and asked, "Is it you, my lord Elijah?" ~ 3050 His, 1Kin 18: 10 | 10 ~As the LORD, your God, lives, there 3051 His, 1Kin 18: 12 | leave you, the spirit of the LORD will carry you to some place 3052 His, 1Kin 18: 12 | servant has revered the LORD from his youth. ~ 3053 His, 1Kin 18: 13 | Have you not been told, my lord, what I did when Jezebel 3054 His, 1Kin 18: 13 | murdering the prophets of the LORD - that I hid a hundred of 3055 His, 1Kin 18: 13 | hundred of the prophets of the LORD, fifty each in two caves, 3056 His, 1Kin 18: 15 | Elijah answered, "As the LORD of hosts lives, whom I serve, 3057 His, 1Kin 18: 18 | forsaking the commands of the LORD and following the Baals. ~ 3058 His, 1Kin 18: 21 | straddle the issue? If the LORD is God, follow him; if Baal, 3059 His, 1Kin 18: 22 | surviving prophet of the LORD, and there are four hundred 3060 His, 1Kin 18: 24 | call on the name of the LORD. The God who answers with 3061 His, 1Kin 18: 30 | repaired the altar of the LORD which had been destroyed. ~ 3062 His, 1Kin 18: 31 | sons of Jacob, to whom the LORD had said, "Your name shall 3063 His, 1Kin 18: 32 | an altar in honor of the LORD with the stones, and made 3064 His, 1Kin 18: 36 | came forward and said, "LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac, 3065 His, 1Kin 18: 37 | 37 ~Answer me, LORD! Answer me, that this people 3066 His, 1Kin 18: 37 | people may know that you, LORD, are God and that you have 3067 His, 1Kin 18: 38 | 38 ~The LORD'S fire came down and consumed 3068 His, 1Kin 18: 39 | prostrate and said, "The LORD is God! The LORD is God!" ~ 3069 His, 1Kin 18: 39 | said, "The LORD is God! The LORD is God!" ~ 3070 His, 1Kin 18: 46 | 46 ~But the hand of the LORD was on Elijah, who girded 3071 His, 1Kin 19: 4 | death: "This is enough, O LORD! Take my life, for I am 3072 His, 1Kin 19: 7 | 7 ~but the angel of the LORD came back a second time, 3073 His, 1Kin 19: 9 | shelter. But the word of the LORD came to him, "Why are you 3074 His, 1Kin 19: 10 | been most zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts, but the 3075 His, 1Kin 19: 11 | 11 ~1 Then the LORD said, "Go outside and stand 3076 His, 1Kin 19: 11 | the mountain before the LORD; the LORD will be passing 3077 His, 1Kin 19: 11 | mountain before the LORD; the LORD will be passing by." A strong 3078 His, 1Kin 19: 11 | crushing rocks before the LORD - but the LORD was not in 3079 His, 1Kin 19: 11 | before the LORD - but the LORD was not in the wind. After 3080 His, 1Kin 19: 11 | an earthquake - but the LORD was not in the earthquake. ~ 3081 His, 1Kin 19: 12 | there was fire - but the LORD was not in the fire. After 3082 His, 1Kin 19: 14 | been most zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts. But the 3083 His, 1Kin 19: 15 | desert near Damascus," the LORD said to him. "When you arrive, 3084 His, 1Kin 20: 4 | answered, "As you say, my lord king, I and all I have are 3085 His, 1Kin 20: 9 | of Ben-hadad, "Say to my lord the king, 'I will do all 3086 His, 1Kin 20: 13 | of Israel and said: "The LORD says, 'Do you see all this 3087 His, 1Kin 20: 13 | will know that I am the LORD.'" ~ 3088 His, 1Kin 20: 14 | delivered up?" He answered, "The LORD says, 'Through the retainers 3089 His, 1Kin 20: 28 | the king of Israel: "The LORD says, 'Because Aram has 3090 His, 1Kin 20: 28 | Because Aram has said the LORD is a god of mountains, not 3091 His, 1Kin 20: 28 | that you may know I am the LORD.'" ~ 3092 His, 1Kin 20: 35 | prophets was prompted by the LORD to say to his companion, " 3093 His, 1Kin 20: 36 | not obey the voice of the LORD, a lion will kill you when 3094 His, 1Kin 20: 42 | 42 ~He said to him: "The LORD says, 'Because you have 3095 His, 1Kin 21: 3 | 3 ~"The LORD forbid," Naboth answered 3096 His, 1Kin 21: 17 | 17 ~But the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite: ~ 3097 His, 1Kin 21: 19 | you shall tell him, 'The LORD says: After murdering, do 3098 His, 1Kin 21: 19 | possession? For this, the LORD says: In the place where 3099 His, 1Kin 21: 20 | up to doing evil in the LORD'S sight, ~ 3100 His, 1Kin 21: 23 | Against Jezebel, too, the LORD declared, "The dogs shall 3101 His, 1Kin 21: 25 | evil in the sight of the LORD as did Ahab, urged on by 3102 His, 1Kin 21: 26 | Amorites had done, whom the LORD drove out before the Israelites. ~ 3103 His, 1Kin 21: 28 | 28 ~Then the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, ~ 3104 His, 1Kin 22: 5 | Israel, "Seek the word of the LORD at once." ~ 3105 His, 1Kin 22: 6 | up," they answered. "The LORD will deliver it over to 3106 His, 1Kin 22: 7 | no other prophet of the LORD here whom we may consult?" ~ 3107 His, 1Kin 22: 8 | whom we might consult the LORD, Micaiah, son of Imlah; 3108 His, 1Kin 22: 11 | horns of iron and said, "The LORD says, 'With these you shall 3109 His, 1Kin 22: 12 | you shall succeed. The LORD will deliver it over to 3110 His, 1Kin 22: 14 | 14 ~"As the LORD lives," Micaiah answered, " 3111 His, 1Kin 22: 14 | I shall say whatever the LORD tells me." ~ 3112 His, 1Kin 22: 15 | you shall succeed! The LORD will deliver it over to 3113 His, 1Kin 22: 16 | truth in the name of the LORD?" ~ 3114 His, 1Kin 22: 17 | without a shepherd, and the LORD saying, 'These have no master! 3115 His, 1Kin 22: 19 | Therefore hear the word of the LORD: I saw the LORD seated on 3116 His, 1Kin 22: 19 | word of the LORD: I saw the LORD seated on his throne, with 3117 His, 1Kin 22: 20 | 20 ~The LORD asked, 'Who will deceive 3118 His, 1Kin 22: 21 | presented himself to the LORD, saying, 'I will deceive 3119 His, 1Kin 22: 21 | I will deceive him.' The LORD asked, 'How?' ~ 3120 His, 1Kin 22: 22 | of all his prophets.' The LORD replied, 'You shall succeed 3121 His, 1Kin 22: 23 | 23 ~So now, the LORD has put a lying spirit in 3122 His, 1Kin 22: 23 | prophets of yours, but the LORD himself has decreed evil 3123 His, 1Kin 22: 24 | Has the spirit of the LORD, then, left me to speak 3124 His, 1Kin 22: 28 | you return in safety, the LORD has not spoken through me." ~ 3125 His, 1Kin 22: 38 | harlots bathed there, as the LORD had prophesied. ~ 3126 His, 1Kin 22: 43 | doing what was right in the LORD'S sight. ~ 3127 His, 1Kin 22: 53 | evil in the sight of the LORD, behaving like his father, 3128 His, 1Kin 22: 54 | Baal, thus provoking the LORD, the God of Israel, just 3129 His, 2Kin 1: 3 | Meanwhile, the angel of the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite: " 3130 His, 2Kin 1: 4 | 4 ~For this, the LORD says: 'You shall not leave 3131 His, 2Kin 1: 6 | sent you and tell him: The LORD says, Is it because there 3132 His, 2Kin 1: 15 | 15 ~Then the angel of the LORD said to Elijah, "Go down 3133 His, 2Kin 1: 16 | the king: "Thus says the LORD: 'Because you sent messengers 3134 His, 2Kin 1: 17 | fulfillment of the prophecy of the LORD spoken by Elijah. Since 3135 His, 2Kin 2: 1 | 1 ~1 When the LORD was about to take Elijah 3136 His, 2Kin 2: 2 | Elijah said to Elisha. "The LORD has sent me on to Bethel." " 3137 His, 2Kin 2: 2 | me on to Bethel." "As the LORD lives, and as you yourself 3138 His, 2Kin 2: 3 | him, "Do you know that the LORD will take your master from 3139 His, 2Kin 2: 4 | please, Elisha, for the LORD has sent me on to Jericho." " 3140 His, 2Kin 2: 4 | on to Jericho." "As the LORD lives, and as you yourself 3141 His, 2Kin 2: 5 | him, "Do you know that the LORD will take your master from 3142 His, 2Kin 2: 6 | Please stay here; the LORD has sent me on to the Jordan." " 3143 His, 2Kin 2: 6 | to the Jordan." "As the LORD lives, and as you yourself 3144 His, 2Kin 2: 14 | and said, "Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah?" When 3145 His, 2Kin 2: 16 | Perhaps the spirit of the LORD has carried him away to 3146 His, 2Kin 2: 19 | city is fine indeed, as my lord can see, but the water is 3147 His, 2Kin 2: 21 | saying, "Thus says the LORD, 'I have purified this water. 3148 His, 2Kin 2: 24 | them in the name of the LORD. Then two she-bears came 3149 His, 2Kin 3: 2 | 2 ~He did evil in the LORD'S sight, though not as much 3150 His, 2Kin 3: 10 | the king of Israel. "The LORD has called together these 3151 His, 2Kin 3: 11 | there no prophet of the LORD here through whom we may 3152 His, 2Kin 3: 11 | whom we may inquire of the LORD?" One of the officers of 3153 His, 2Kin 3: 12 | He has the word of the LORD," the king of Judah agreed. 3154 His, 2Kin 3: 13 | of Israel replied. "The LORD has called these three kings 3155 His, 2Kin 3: 14 | Then Elisha said, "As the LORD of hosts lives, whom I serve, 3156 His, 2Kin 3: 15 | played, the power of the LORD came upon Elisha ~ 3157 His, 2Kin 3: 16 | announced: "Thus says the LORD, 'Provide many catch basins 3158 His, 2Kin 3: 17 | 17 ~For the LORD says, 'Though you will see 3159 His, 2Kin 3: 18 | 18 ~And since the LORD does not consider this enough, 3160 His, 2Kin 4: 16 | a baby son." "Please, my lord," she protested, "you are 3161 His, 2Kin 4: 27 | is in bitter anguish; the LORD hid it from me and did not 3162 His, 2Kin 4: 28 | 28 ~"Did I ask my lord for a son?" she cried out. " 3163 His, 2Kin 4: 29(3) | necessitated their omission, as our Lord counseled his disciples ( 3164 His, 2Kin 4: 30 | mother cried out: "As the LORD lives and as you yourself 3165 His, 2Kin 4: 33 | both, and prayed to the LORD. ~ 3166 His, 2Kin 4: 43 | insisted. "For thus says the LORD, 'They shall eat and there 3167 His, 2Kin 4: 44 | was some left over, as the LORD had said. ~ ~ ~ 3168 His, 2Kin 5: 1 | master, for through him the LORD had brought victory to Aram. 3169 His, 2Kin 5: 4 | Naaman went and told his lord just what the slave girl 3170 His, 2Kin 5: 11 | stand there to invoke the LORD his God, and would move 3171 His, 2Kin 5: 16 | 16 ~"As the LORD lives whom I serve, I will 3172 His, 2Kin 5: 17 | other god except to the LORD. ~ 3173 His, 2Kin 5: 18 | 18 ~But I trust the LORD will forgive your servant 3174 His, 2Kin 5: 18 | temple of Rimmon. May the LORD forgive your servant this." ~ 3175 His, 2Kin 5: 20 | what he brought. As the LORD lives, I will run after 3176 His, 2Kin 6: 12 | 12 ~"No one, my lord king," answered one of the 3177 His, 2Kin 6: 15 | Elisha. "What shall we do, my lord?" ~ 3178 His, 2Kin 6: 17 | 17 ~Then he prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes, that he 3179 His, 2Kin 6: 17 | that he may see." And the LORD opened the eyes of the servant, 3180 His, 2Kin 6: 18 | him, Elisha prayed to the LORD, "Strike this people blind, 3181 His, 2Kin 6: 18 | the prophet's prayer the LORD struck them blind. ~ 3182 His, 2Kin 6: 20 | Samaria, Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open their eyes that they 3183 His, 2Kin 6: 20 | that they may see." The LORD opened their eyes, and they 3184 His, 2Kin 6: 26 | cried out to him, "Help, my lord king!" ~ 3185 His, 2Kin 6: 27 | No," he replied, "the LORD help you! Where could I 3186 His, 2Kin 6: 33 | This evil is from the LORD. Why should I trust in the 3187 His, 2Kin 6: 33 | Why should I trust in the LORD any longer?" ~ ~ ~ 3188 His, 2Kin 7: 1 | said: "Hear the word of the LORD! Thus says the LORD, 'At 3189 His, 2Kin 7: 1 | the LORD! Thus says the LORD, 'At this time tomorrow 3190 His, 2Kin 7: 2 | man of God, "Even if the LORD were to make windows in 3191 His, 2Kin 7: 6 | 6 ~2 The LORD had caused the army of the 3192 His, 2Kin 7: 16 | barley for a shekel, as the LORD had said. ~ 3193 His, 2Kin 7: 19 | man of God, "Even if the LORD were to make windows in 3194 His, 2Kin 8: 1 | wherever you can, because the LORD has decreed a seven-year 3195 His, 2Kin 8: 5 | her house and field. "My lord king," Gehazi said, "this 3196 His, 2Kin 8: 8 | God. Have him consult the LORD as to whether I shall recover 3197 His, 2Kin 8: 10 | surely recover. However, the LORD has showed me that he will 3198 His, 2Kin 8: 12 | Why are you weeping, my lord?" Elisha replied, "Because 3199 His, 2Kin 8: 13 | anything so important?" "The LORD has showed you to me as 3200 His, 2Kin 8: 18 | and he did evil in the LORD'S sight. ~ 3201 His, 2Kin 8: 19 | 19 ~Even so, the LORD was unwilling to destroy 3202 His, 2Kin 8: 19 | leave him a lamp in the LORD'S presence for all time. ~ 3203 His, 2Kin 8: 27 | Ahab, doing evil in the LORD'S sight as they did, since 3204 His, 2Kin 9: 3 | and say, 'Thus says the LORD: I anoint you king over 3205 His, 2Kin 9: 6 | and said, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: 'I anoint 3206 His, 2Kin 9: 6 | king over the people of the LORD, over Israel. ~ 3207 His, 2Kin 9: 7 | the other servants of the LORD shed by Jezebel, ~ 3208 His, 2Kin 9: 12 | finally, "Thus says the LORD: 'I anoint you king over 3209 His, 2Kin 9: 25 | behind his father Ahab, the LORD delivered this oracle against 3210 His, 2Kin 9: 26 | blood of his sons,' says the LORD, 'I will repay you for it 3211 His, 2Kin 9: 26 | plot of ground, says the LORD.' So now take him into this 3212 His, 2Kin 9: 26 | keeping with the word of the LORD." ~ 3213 His, 2Kin 9: 36 | is the sentence which the LORD pronounced through his servant 3214 His, 2Kin 10: 9 | although I conspired against my lord and slew him, yet who killed 3215 His, 2Kin 10: 10 | a single word which the LORD has spoken against the house 3216 His, 2Kin 10: 10 | shall go unfulfilled. The LORD has accomplished all that 3217 His, 2Kin 10: 16 | and see my zeal for the LORD." And he took him along 3218 His, 2Kin 10: 17 | fulfilling the prophecy which the LORD had spoken to Elijah. ~ 3219 His, 2Kin 10: 23 | there is no worshiper of the LORD here with you, but only 3220 His, 2Kin 10: 30 | 30 ~The LORD said to Jehu, "Because you 3221 His, 2Kin 10: 31 | wholeheartedly the law of the LORD, the God of Israel, since 3222 His, 2Kin 10: 32 | 32 ~At that time the LORD began to dismember Israel. 3223 His, 2Kin 11: 3 | hidden in the temple of the LORD, while Athaliah ruled the 3224 His, 2Kin 11: 4 | him in the temple of the LORD, exacted from them a sworn 3225 His, 2Kin 11: 7 | guard over the temple of the LORD for the king. ~ 3226 His, 2Kin 11: 10 | were in the temple of the LORD. ~ 3227 His, 2Kin 11: 13 | them in the temple of the LORD. ~ 3228 His, 2Kin 11: 15 | slain in the temple of the LORD. ~ 3229 His, 2Kin 11: 17 | made a covenant between the LORD as one party and the king 3230 His, 2Kin 11: 17 | which they would be the LORD'S people; and another covenant, 3231 His, 2Kin 11: 18 | detachment for the temple of the LORD, Jehoiada ~ 3232 His, 2Kin 11: 19 | down from the temple of the LORD through the guards' gate 3233 His, 2Kin 12: 3 | what was pleasing to the LORD as long as he lived, because 3234 His, 2Kin 12: 5 | brought to the temple of the LORD - the census tax, personal 3235 His, 2Kin 12: 5 | brought to the temple of the LORD - ~ 3236 His, 2Kin 12: 10 | entered the temple of the LORD. The priests who guarded 3237 His, 2Kin 12: 10 | brought to the temple of the LORD. ~ 3238 His, 2Kin 12: 11 | were in the temple of the LORD, and weigh them. ~ 3239 His, 2Kin 12: 12 | workmen in the temple of the LORD. They in turn would give 3240 His, 2Kin 12: 12 | working in the temple of the LORD, ~ 3241 His, 2Kin 12: 14 | brought to the temple of the LORD were used there to make 3242 His, 2Kin 12: 15 | repaired the temple of the LORD. ~ 3243 His, 2Kin 12: 17 | brought to the temple of the LORD; they belonged to the priests. ~ 3244 His, 2Kin 13: 2 | 2 ~He did evil in the LORD'S sight, conducting himself 3245 His, 2Kin 13: 3 | 3 ~The LORD was angry with Israel and 3246 His, 2Kin 13: 4 | Then Jehoahaz entreated the LORD, who heard him, since he 3247 His, 2Kin 13: 5 | 5 ~1 So the LORD gave Israel a savior, and 3248 His, 2Kin 13: 11 | evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not desist from 3249 His, 2Kin 13: 17 | prophet exclaimed, "The LORD'S arrow of victory! The 3250 His, 2Kin 13: 23 | 23 ~But the LORD was merciful with Israel 3251 His, 2Kin 14: 3 | 3 ~He pleased the LORD, yet not like his forefather 3252 His, 2Kin 14: 6 | put to death, obeying the LORD'S command written in the 3253 His, 2Kin 14: 14 | were in the temple of the LORD and the treasuries of the 3254 His, 2Kin 14: 24 | evil in the sight of the LORD; he did not desist from 3255 His, 2Kin 14: 25 | the Arabah, just as the LORD, the God of Israel, had 3256 His, 2Kin 14: 26 | 26 ~For the LORD saw the very bitter affliction 3257 His, 2Kin 14: 27 | 27 ~Since the LORD had not determined to blot 3258 His, 2Kin 15: 3 | 3 ~He pleased the LORD just as his father Amaziah 3259 His, 2Kin 15: 5 | 5 ~The LORD afflicted the king, and 3260 His, 2Kin 15: 9 | evil in the sight of the LORD as his fathers had done, 3261 His, 2Kin 15: 12 | 12 ~Thus the LORD'S promise to Jehu, "Your 3262 His, 2Kin 15: 18 | evil in the sight of the LORD, not desisting from the 3263 His, 2Kin 15: 24 | evil in the sight of the LORD, not desisting from the 3264 His, 2Kin 15: 28 | evil in the sight of the LORD, not desisting from the 3265 His, 2Kin 15: 34 | 34 ~He pleased the LORD, just as his father Uzziah 3266 His, 2Kin 15: 35 | Gate of the temple of the LORD. ~ 3267 His, 2Kin 15: 37 | was at that time that the LORD first loosed Rezin, king 3268 His, 2Kin 16: 2 | Jerusalem. He did not please the LORD, his God, like his forefather 3269 His, 2Kin 16: 3 | of the nations whom the LORD had cleared out of the way 3270 His, 2Kin 16: 8 | were in the temple of the LORD and in the palace treasuries 3271 His, 2Kin 16: 14 | altar that stood before the LORD he brought from the front 3272 His, 2Kin 16: 14 | altar and the temple of the LORD - and set it on the north 3273 His, 2Kin 16: 18 | removed from the temple of the LORD the emplacement which had 3274 His, 2Kin 17: 2 | evil in the sight of the LORD, yet not to the extent of 3275 His, 2Kin 17: 7 | Israelites sinned against the LORD, their God, who had brought 3276 His, 2Kin 17: 8 | of the nations whom the LORD had cleared out of the way 3277 His, 2Kin 17: 9 | unlawful practices toward the LORD, their God. They built high 3278 His, 2Kin 17: 11 | like the nations whom the LORD had sent into exile at their 3279 His, 2Kin 17: 11 | things that provoked the LORD, ~ 3280 His, 2Kin 17: 12 | served idols, although the LORD had told them, "You must 3281 His, 2Kin 17: 13 | 13 ~And though the LORD warned Israel and Judah 3282 His, 2Kin 17: 14 | had not believed in the LORD, their God. ~ 3283 His, 2Kin 17: 15 | surrounding nations whom the LORD had commanded them not to 3284 His, 2Kin 17: 16 | the commandments of the LORD, their God, and made for 3285 His, 2Kin 17: 17 | themselves into evil doing in the LORD'S sight, provoking him ~ 3286 His, 2Kin 17: 18 | anger against Israel, the LORD put them away out of his 3287 His, 2Kin 17: 19 | the commandments of the LORD, their God, but followed 3288 His, 2Kin 17: 20 | 20 ~So the LORD rejected the whole race 3289 His, 2Kin 17: 21 | Israelites away from the LORD, causing them to commit 3290 His, 2Kin 17: 23 | 23 ~Finally, the LORD put Israel away out of his 3291 His, 2Kin 17: 25 | they did not venerate the LORD, so he sent lions among 3292 His, 2Kin 17: 28 | them how to venerate the LORD. ~ 3293 His, 2Kin 17: 32 | They also venerated the LORD, choosing from their number 3294 His, 2Kin 17: 33 | But, while venerating the LORD, they served their own gods, 3295 His, 2Kin 17: 34 | They did not venerate the LORD nor observe the statutes 3296 His, 2Kin 17: 34 | commandments, which the LORD enjoined on the descendants 3297 His, 2Kin 17: 36 | 36 ~The LORD, who brought you up from 3298 His, 2Kin 17: 39 | 39 ~But the LORD, your God, you must venerate; 3299 His, 2Kin 17: 41 | these nations venerated the LORD, but also served their idols. 3300 His, 2Kin 18: 3 | 3 ~He pleased the LORD, just as his forefather 3301 His, 2Kin 18: 5 | He put his trust in the LORD, the God of Israel; and 3302 His, 2Kin 18: 6 | 6 ~Loyal to the LORD, Hezekiah never turned away 3303 His, 2Kin 18: 6 | the commandments which the LORD had given Moses. ~ 3304 His, 2Kin 18: 7 | 7 ~The LORD was with him, and he prospered 3305 His, 2Kin 18: 12 | heeded the warning of the LORD, their God, but violated 3306 His, 2Kin 18: 12 | Moses, the servant of the LORD. ~ 3307 His, 2Kin 18: 15 | were in the temple of the LORD and in the palace treasuries. ~ 3308 His, 2Kin 18: 16 | uprights of the temple of the LORD which he himself had ordered 3309 His, 2Kin 18: 17 | Assyria sent the general, the lord chamberlain, and the commander 3310 His, 2Kin 18: 17(4) | 17] General, the lord chamberlain . . . commander: 3311 His, 2Kin 18: 17(4) | the first, more nearly "lord lieutenant," is military 3312 His, 2Kin 18: 22 | say to me, We rely on the LORD, our God, is not he the 3313 His, 2Kin 18: 23 | Now, make a wager with my lord, the king of Assyria: I 3314 His, 2Kin 18: 24 | the least servants of my lord, relying as you do on Egypt 3315 His, 2Kin 18: 25 | 25 ~Was it without the LORD'S will that I have come 3316 His, 2Kin 18: 25 | destroy this place? The LORD said to me, 'Go up and destroy 3317 His, 2Kin 18: 27 | master and to you that my lord sent me to speak these words? 3318 His, 2Kin 18: 30 | induce you to rely on the LORD, saying, The LORD will surely 3319 His, 2Kin 18: 30 | on the LORD, saying, The LORD will surely save us; this 3320 His, 2Kin 18: 32 | seduce you by saying, The LORD will rescue us. ~ 3321 His, 2Kin 18: 35 | land from my hand? Will the LORD then rescue Jerusalem from 3322 His, 2Kin 19: 1 | went into the temple of the LORD. ~ 3323 His, 2Kin 19: 4 | 4 ~Perhaps the LORD, your God, will hear all 3324 His, 2Kin 19: 4 | for the words which the LORD, your God, has heard. So 3325 His, 2Kin 19: 6 | your master: 'Thus says the LORD: Do not be frightened by 3326 His, 2Kin 19: 14 | up to the temple of the LORD, and spreading it out before 3327 His, 2Kin 19: 15 | 15 ~he prayed in the LORD'S presence: "O LORD, God 3328 His, 2Kin 19: 15 | the LORD'S presence: "O LORD, God of Israel, enthroned 3329 His, 2Kin 19: 16 | 16 ~Incline your ear, O LORD, and listen! Open your eyes, 3330 His, 2Kin 19: 16 | listen! Open your eyes, O LORD, and see! Hear the words 3331 His, 2Kin 19: 17 | 17 ~Truly, O LORD, the kings of Assyria have 3332 His, 2Kin 19: 19 | 19 ~Therefore, O LORD, our God, save us from the 3333 His, 2Kin 19: 19 | may know that you alone, O LORD, are God." ~ 3334 His, 2Kin 19: 20 | Hezekiah: "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, in answer 3335 His, 2Kin 19: 21 | This is the word the LORD has spoken concerning him: " ' 3336 His, 2Kin 19: 23 | servants you have insulted the LORD. You said: With my many 3337 His, 2Kin 19: 31 | survivors. The zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do this.' ~ 3338 His, 2Kin 19: 32 | Therefore, thus says the LORD concerning the king of Assyria: ' 3339 His, 2Kin 19: 33 | entering the city, says the LORD. ~ 3340 His, 2Kin 19: 35 | That night the angel of the LORD went forth and struck down 3341 His, 2Kin 20: 1 | said to him: "Thus says the LORD: 'Put your house in order, 3342 His, 2Kin 20: 2 | the wall and prayed to the LORD: ~ 3343 His, 2Kin 20: 3 | 3 ~"O LORD, remember how faithfully 3344 His, 2Kin 20: 4 | courtyard, the word of the LORD came to him: ~ 3345 His, 2Kin 20: 5 | my people: 'Thus says the LORD, the God of your forefather 3346 His, 2Kin 20: 5 | days you shall go up to the LORD'S temple; ~ 3347 His, 2Kin 20: 8 | What is the sign that the LORD will heal me and that I 3348 His, 2Kin 20: 8 | up to the temple of the LORD on the third day?" ~ 3349 His, 2Kin 20: 9 | the sign for you from the LORD that he will do what he 3350 His, 2Kin 20: 11 | prophet Isaiah invoked the LORD, who made the shadow retreat 3351 His, 2Kin 20: 16 | Hezekiah: "Hear the word of the LORD: ~ 3352 His, 2Kin 20: 17 | shall be left, says the LORD. ~ 3353 His, 2Kin 20: 19 | Isaiah, "The word of the LORD which you have spoken is 3354 His, 2Kin 21: 2 | evil in the sight of the LORD, following the abominable 3355 His, 2Kin 21: 2 | of the nations whom the LORD had cleared out of the way 3356 His, 2Kin 21: 4 | altars in the temple of the LORD, about which the LORD had 3357 His, 2Kin 21: 4 | the LORD, about which the LORD had said, "I will establish 3358 His, 2Kin 21: 6 | He did much evil in the LORD'S sight and provoked him 3359 His, 2Kin 21: 7 | the temple, of which the LORD had said to David and to 3360 His, 2Kin 21: 9 | than the nations whom the LORD had destroyed at the coming 3361 His, 2Kin 21: 10 | 10 ~Then the LORD spoke through his servants 3362 His, 2Kin 21: 12 | therefore thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: 'I will 3363 His, 2Kin 21: 16 | evil in the sight of the LORD, shedding so much innocent 3364 His, 2Kin 21: 20 | evil in the sight of the LORD, as his father Manasseh 3365 His, 2Kin 21: 22 | 22 ~He abandoned the LORD, the God of his fathers, 3366 His, 2Kin 21: 22 | not follow the path of the LORD. ~ 3367 His, 2Kin 22: 2 | 2 ~He pleased the LORD and conducted himself unswervingly 3368 His, 2Kin 22: 3 | Meshullam, to the temple of the LORD with orders to ~ 3369 His, 2Kin 22: 4 | donated to the temple of the Lord, which the doorkeepers had 3370 His, 2Kin 22: 5 | workmen in the temple of the LORD, who should then pay them 3371 His, 2Kin 22: 8 | law in the temple of the LORD." Hilkiah gave the book 3372 His, 2Kin 22: 9 | workmen in the temple of the LORD." ~ 3373 His, 2Kin 22: 13 | 13 ~"Go, consult the LORD for me, for the people, 3374 His, 2Kin 22: 13 | found, for the anger of the LORD has been set furiously ablaze 3375 His, 2Kin 22: 15 | to them, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: 'Say 3376 His, 2Kin 22: 16 | 16 ~Thus says the LORD: I will bring upon this 3377 His, 2Kin 22: 18 | sent you to consult the LORD, give this response: 'Thus 3378 His, 2Kin 22: 18 | response: 'Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: As for 3379 His, 2Kin 22: 19 | humbled yourself before the LORD when you heard my threats 3380 His, 2Kin 22: 19 | have listened, says the LORD. ~ 3381 His, 2Kin 23: 2 | up to the temple of the LORD with all the men of Judah 3382 His, 2Kin 23: 2 | found in the temple of the LORD, read out to them. ~ 3383 His, 2Kin 23: 3 | made a covenant before the LORD that they would follow him 3384 His, 2Kin 23: 4 | remove from the temple of the LORD all the objects that had 3385 His, 2Kin 23: 6 | From the temple of the LORD he also removed the sacred 3386 His, 2Kin 23: 7 | were in the temple of the LORD, and in which the women 3387 His, 2Kin 23: 9 | function at the altar of the LORD in Jerusalem; but they, 3388 His, 2Kin 23: 11 | entrance of the temple of the LORD, near the chamber of Nathan-melech 3389 His, 2Kin 23: 12 | courts of the temple of the LORD. He pulverized them and 3390 His, 2Kin 23: 16 | fulfillment of the word of the LORD which the man of God had 3391 His, 2Kin 23: 19 | erected, thereby provoking the LORD; he did the very same to 3392 His, 2Kin 23: 21 | observe the Passover of the LORD, their God, as it was prescribed 3393 His, 2Kin 23: 23 | when this Passover of the LORD was kept in Jerusalem. ~ 3394 His, 2Kin 23: 24 | found in the temple of the LORD. ~ 3395 His, 2Kin 23: 25 | no king who turned to the LORD as he did, with his whole 3396 His, 2Kin 23: 26 | Manasseh had given, the LORD did not desist from his 3397 His, 2Kin 23: 27 | 27 ~The LORD said: "Even Judah will I 3398 His, 2Kin 23: 32 | evil in the sight of the LORD, just as his forebears had 3399 His, 2Kin 23: 37 | evil in the sight of the LORD, just as his forebears had 3400 His, 2Kin 24: 2 | 2 ~The LORD loosed against him bands 3401 His, 2Kin 24: 2 | Judah to destroy it, as the LORD had threatened through his 3402 His, 2Kin 24: 3 | befell Judah because the LORD had stated that he would 3403 His, 2Kin 24: 4 | he filled Jerusalem, the LORD would not forgive. ~ 3404 His, 2Kin 24: 9 | evil in the sight of the LORD, just as his forebears had 3405 His, 2Kin 24: 13 | treasures of the temple of the LORD and those of the palace, 3406 His, 2Kin 24: 13 | provided in the temple of the LORD, as the LORD had foretold. ~ 3407 His, 2Kin 24: 13 | temple of the LORD, as the LORD had foretold. ~ 3408 His, 2Kin 24: 19 | evil in the sight of the LORD, just as Jehoiakim had done. ~ 3409 His, 2Kin 24: 20 | 20 ~The LORD'S anger befell Jerusalem 3410 His, 2Kin 25: 9 | burned the house of the LORD, the palace of the king, 3411 His, 2Kin 25: 13 | belonged to the house of the LORD, and the wheeled carts and 3412 His, 2Kin 25: 13 | sea in the house of the LORD, the Chaldeans broke into 3413 His, 2Kin 25: 16 | made for the house of the LORD, was never calculated. ~ 3414 His, 1Chr Int | the true worship of the Lord. Furthermore, he presented 3415 His, 1Chr 2: 3 | wicked in the sight of the LORD, so he killed him. ~ 3416 His, 1Chr 5: 41 | into the exile which the LORD inflicted on Judah and Jerusalem 3417 His, 1Chr 6: 16 | the choir services in the LORD'S house from the time when 3418 His, 1Chr 6: 17 | built the temple of the LORD in Jerusalem, and they performed 3419 His, 1Chr 9: 19 | to the encampment of the LORD. ~ 3420 His, 1Chr 9: 20 | chief in times past - the LORD be with him! ~ 3421 His, 1Chr 9: 23 | gates of the house of the LORD, the house which was then 3422 His, 1Chr 10: 13 | his rebellion against the LORD in disobeying his command, 3423 His, 1Chr 10: 13(1) | end: he had disobeyed the Lord's command given through 3424 His, 1Chr 10: 14 | not rather inquired of the LORD. Therefore the LORD slew 3425 His, 1Chr 10: 14 | the LORD. Therefore the LORD slew him, and transferred 3426 His, 1Chr 11: 2 | its battles. And now the LORD, your God, has said to you, ' 3427 His, 1Chr 11: 3 | them in the presence of the LORD; and they anointed him king 3428 His, 1Chr 11: 3 | accordance with the word of the LORD as revealed through Samuel. ~ 3429 His, 1Chr 11: 9 | and more powerful, for the LORD of hosts was with him. ~ 3430 His, 1Chr 11: 10 | him true king, even as the LORD had commanded concerning 3431 His, 1Chr 11: 14 | the Philistines. Thus the LORD brought about a great victory. ~ 3432 His, 1Chr 11: 18 | out as a libation to the LORD, ~ 3433 His, 1Chr 12: 24 | him Saul's kingdom, as the LORD had ordained. ~ 3434 His, 1Chr 13: 2 | and is so decreed by the LORD our God, let us summon the 3435 His, 1Chr 13: 6 | which was known by the name "LORD enthroned upon the cherubim." ~ 3436 His, 1Chr 13: 10 | 10 ~Then the LORD became angry with Uzzah 3437 His, 1Chr 13: 11 | was disturbed because the LORD'S anger had broken out against 3438 His, 1Chr 13: 14 | for three months, and the LORD blessed Obed-edom's household 3439 His, 1Chr 14: 2 | now understood that the LORD had truly confirmed him 3440 His, 1Chr 14: 10 | them into my power?" The LORD answered him, "Advance, 3441 His, 1Chr 14: 17 | through every land, and the LORD made all the nations fear 3442 His, 1Chr 15: 2 | except the Levites, for the LORD chose them to carry the 3443 His, 1Chr 15: 2 | to carry the ark of the LORD and to minister to him forever." ~ 3444 His, 1Chr 15: 3 | to bring the ark of the LORD to the place which he had 3445 His, 1Chr 15: 12 | and bring the ark of the LORD, the God of Israel, to the 3446 His, 1Chr 15: 13 | first time, the wrath of the LORD our God burst upon us, for 3447 His, 1Chr 15: 14 | bring up the ark of the LORD, the God of Israel. ~ 3448 His, 1Chr 15: 15 | according to the word of the LORD. ~ 3449 His, 1Chr 15: 25 | ark of the covenant of the LORD with joy from the house 3450 His, 1Chr 15: 26 | ark of the covenant of the LORD, seven bulls and seven rams 3451 His, 1Chr 15: 28 | ark of the covenant of the LORD with joyful shouting, to 3452 His, 1Chr 15: 29 | ark of the covenant of the LORD was entering the City of 3453 His, 1Chr 16: 2 | people in the name of the LORD, ~ 3454 His, 1Chr 16: 4 | minister before the ark of the LORD, to celebrate, thank, and 3455 His, 1Chr 16: 4 | celebrate, thank, and praise the LORD, the God of Israel. ~ 3456 His, 1Chr 16: 7 | time these praises of the LORD: ~ 3457 His, 1Chr 16: 8 | 8 ~1 Give thanks to the LORD, invoke his name; make known 3458 His, 1Chr 16: 10 | O hearts that seek the LORD! ~ 3459 His, 1Chr 16: 11 | 11 ~Look to the LORD in his strength; seek to 3460 His, 1Chr 16: 14 | 14 ~He, the LORD, is our God; throughout 3461 His, 1Chr 16: 23 | 23 ~Sing to the LORD, all the earth, announce 3462 His, 1Chr 16: 25 | 25 ~For great is the LORD and highly to be praised; 3463 His, 1Chr 16: 26 | things of nought, but the LORD made the heavens. ~ 3464 His, 1Chr 16: 28 | 28 ~Give to the LORD, you families of nations, 3465 His, 1Chr 16: 28 | of nations, give to the LORD glory and praise; ~ 3466 His, 1Chr 16: 29 | 29 ~Give to the LORD the glory due his name! 3467 His, 1Chr 16: 29 | his presence; worship the LORD in holy attire. ~ 3468 His, 1Chr 16: 31 | say among the nations: The LORD is king. ~ 3469 His, 1Chr 16: 33 | forest exult before the LORD, for he comes: he comes 3470 His, 1Chr 16: 34 | 34 ~Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his 3471 His, 1Chr 16: 36 | 36 ~Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, through 3472 His, 1Chr 16: 37 | ark of the covenant of the LORD to minister before the ark 3473 His, 1Chr 16: 39 | before the Dwelling of the LORD on the high place at Gibeon, ~ 3474 His, 1Chr 16: 40 | offer holocausts to the LORD on the altar of holocausts 3475 His, 1Chr 16: 40 | written in the law of the LORD which he has decreed for 3476 His, 1Chr 16: 41 | name to give thanks to the LORD, "because his kindness endures 3477 His, 1Chr 17: 1 | ark of the covenant of the LORD dwells under tentcloth." ~ 3478 His, 1Chr 17: 4 | servant David, Thus says the LORD: It is not you who are to 3479 His, 1Chr 17: 7 | servant David, Thus says the LORD of hosts: I took you from 3480 His, 1Chr 17: 10 | declare to you that I, the LORD, will build you a house; ~ 3481 His, 1Chr 17: 16 | David came in and sat in the LORD'S presence, saying: "Who 3482 His, 1Chr 17: 16 | presence, saying: "Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my family, 3483 His, 1Chr 17: 17 | the most notable of men, O LORD God. ~ 3484 His, 1Chr 17: 19 | 19 ~O LORD, for your servant's sake 3485 His, 1Chr 17: 20 | 20 ~O LORD, there is no one like you 3486 His, 1Chr 17: 22 | own forever, and you, O LORD, became their God. ~ 3487 His, 1Chr 17: 23 | 23 ~Therefore, O LORD, may the promise that you 3488 His, 1Chr 17: 24 | 24 ~that your renown as LORD of hosts, God of Israel, 3489 His, 1Chr 17: 26 | 26 ~Since you, O LORD, are truly God and have 3490 His, 1Chr 17: 27 | forever - since it is you, O LORD, who blessed it, it is blessed 3491 His, 1Chr 18: 6 | paying tribute. Thus the LORD made David victorious in 3492 His, 1Chr 18: 11 | David consecrated to the LORD along with all the silver 3493 His, 1Chr 18: 13 | David's subjects. Thus the LORD made David victorious in 3494 His, 1Chr 19: 13 | of our God; then may the LORD do what seems best to him." ~ 3495 His, 1Chr 21: 1(1) | passage of 2 Sam 24:1 the Lord's anger. The change in the 3496 His, 1Chr 21: 3 | But Joab replied: "May the LORD increase his people a hundredfold! 3497 His, 1Chr 21: 3 | people a hundredfold! My lord king, are not all of them 3498 His, 1Chr 21: 3 | are not all of them my lord's subjects? Why does my 3499 His, 1Chr 21: 3 | s subjects? Why does my lord seek to do this thing? Why 3500 His, 1Chr 21: 9 | 9 ~Then the LORD spoke to Gad, David's seer,