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Alphabetical [« »] person 312 personage 4 personages 4 personal 111 personality 3 personalized 2 personally 17 | Frequency [« »] 111 latter 111 line 111 lion 111 personal 111 setting 111 town 110 antiochus | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances personal |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 PreNAB | suspected."~ ~Conscious of their personal limitations for the task 2 PreNAB | sent these books as so many personal letters to his own children" ( 3 Pent, Gen 4: 25(6) | began to call God by his personal name, Yahweh, rendered as " 4 Pent, Gen 14: 1(1) | the days of . . . : the personal name by which the event 5 Pent, Gen 39: 4 | Joseph and made him his personal attendant; he put him in 6 Pent, Exo 1: 11(5) | 11] Pharaoh: not a personal name, but a title common 7 Pent, Exo 3: 14(6) | word Yahweh, the proper personal name of the God of Israel. 8 Pent, Deu 12: 6 | sacrifices, your tithes and personal contributions, your votive 9 Pent, Deu 12: 11 | sacrifices, your tithes and personal contributions, and every 10 Pent, Deu 12: 17 | freewill offerings, or of your personal contributions. ~ 11 Pent, Deu 17: 8 | or of civil rights or of personal injury, you shall then go 12 Pent, Rut 1: 20(5) | punishment from God for personal sin, as if good and evil 13 His, 1Sam 25: 35 | granted your request as a personal favor." ~ 14 His, 1Sam 27: 6(1) | the kings of Judah: as a personal holding, outside the system 15 His, 2Sam 5: 8 | and the blind shall be the personal enemies of David." That 16 His, 2Kin 12: 5 | the LORD - the census tax, personal redemption money, and whatever 17 His, 2Kin 25: 19 | soldiers, five men in the personal service of the king who 18 His, 1Chr 29: 3 | to the house of my God my personal fortune in gold and silver: ~ 19 His, 2Chr 20: 25 | abundance of cattle and personal property, garments and precious 20 His, Est 1: 14 | officials who were in the king's personal service and held first rank 21 His, Est 2: 2 | 2 ~Then the king's personal attendants suggested: "Let 22 His, 1Mac 7: 27(4) | honest man who became a personal friend of Judas, is given 23 His, 1Mac 10: 40 | 40 ~I make a yearly personal grant of fifteen thousand 24 WisdB, Job Int | only be a punishment for personal wrongdoing and an invitation 25 WisdB, Psa 6: 1(1) | prays that the effects of personal and social sin be taken 26 WisdB, Psa 32: 1(1) | the Bible, is not only the personal act of rebellion against 27 WisdB, Psa 42: 3(3) | God: "face" designates a personal presence (Genesis 33:10; 28 WisdB, Psa 49: 5(3) | Problem: the psalmist's personal solution to the perennial 29 WisdB, Psa 51: 1(1) | prays for the removal of the personal and social disorders that 30 WisdB, Psa 55: 1(1) | psalm is not so much for personal vengeance as for a public 31 WisdB, Psa 58: 1(1) | psalm is less concerned with personal vengeance than with public 32 WisdB, Psa 69: 1(1) | psalm prays not so much for personal vengeance as for public 33 WisdB, Psa 73: 1(1) | hard-won conclusion from personal experience: God is just 34 WisdB, Psa 73: 1(1) | Feeling abandoned despite personal righteousness, the psalmist 35 WisdB, Psa 73: 24(5) | psalmist in Psalm 49:16. Personal resurrection in the Old 36 WisdB, Psa 82: 8(4) | deities, keeping Israel as a personal possession. Now God will 37 WisdB, Psa 103: 1(1) | begins by praising God for personal benefits (Psalm 103:1-5), 38 WisdB, Psa 109: 1(1) | vindication not on the basis of personal virtue but because of God' 39 WisdB, Pro 22: 17(3) | in the more intimate and personal form of an address to a 40 WisdB, Sir 23: 1(1) | words express the tender personal relationship between the 41 WisdB, Sir 24: 1(1) | description applies to a personal being, it does foreshadow 42 ProphB | nature of the moral law, with personal responsibility, with the 43 ProphB, Jer 31: 29(5) | characterized instead by personal responsibility and retribution 44 ProphB, Jer 45: 1(1) | was to assure him of his personal safety, while repeating 45 ProphB, Jer 52: 25 | soldiers, and seven men in the personal service of the king who 46 ProphB, Eze 9: 4(1) | pre-eminently the prophet of personal retribution; the innocent 47 ProphB, Eze 14: 12(2) | 12-23] The doctrine of personal responsibility before God 48 ProphB, Dan 2: 36(5) | Our Lord made this image personal to himself; cf Luke 20:17- 49 ProphB, Hos Int | unfortunate marriage to Gomer, a personal tragedy which profoundly 50 ProphB, Hos 1: 1(1) | biographical, the prophet's personal tragedy figuring as the 51 ProphB, Amo 7: 14(4) | his vocation is due to the personal intervention of the Lord.~ 52 ProphB, Jon 4: 10(3) | selfish in bemoaning his personal loss of a shady gourd plant 53 ProphB, Mic Int | contemporary of Isaiah. Of his personal life and call we know nothing 54 REPre | a gender-inclusive third personal pronoun in the singular, 55 REPre | appropriation of its meaning for personal spiritual growth.~The New 56 Gosp | 2; etc). Because of its personal meaning for him and his 57 Gosp, Mar 10: 42(6) | Mark 10:45) rather than for personal aggrandizement (Mark 10: 58 Gosp, Joh 1: 42(30)| Kephas is attested as a personal name before Christian times.~ 59 Gosp, Joh 14: 17(9) | of perversity. It is more personal in John; it will teach the 60 Gosp, Joh 14: 17(9) | customary to use masculine personal pronouns in English for 61 Gosp, Act 10: 24(9) | apparition that he invites close personal friends to join him in his 62 NTLet, Rom Int | gospel. He had witnessed the personal hostilities that developed 63 NTLet, Rom 12: 14(6) | believers. This question of personal rights as a matter of justice 64 NTLet, Rom 16: 1(1) | 23) to establish strong personal contact with congregations 65 NTLet, 1Cor 8: 6(3) | God in concrete, i.e., in personal and Christian terms. And 66 NTLet, 1Cor 9: 15(6) | Paul now assigns a more personal motive to his nonuse of 67 NTLet, 1Cor 14: 3(3) | individual experience and personal perfection, which inevitably 68 NTLet, 2Cor Int | Corinthians is the most personal of all of Paul's extant 69 NTLet, 2Cor Int | him an enormous effort of personal persuasion, as well as doctrinal 70 NTLet, 2Cor Int | Paul appeals to his own personal experience as well. In passages 71 NTLet, 2Cor 2: 14(7) | thought. Paul describes his personal existence and his function 72 NTLet, 2Cor 2: 16(10)| falsify the preaching for personal advantage and insists on 73 NTLet, 2Cor 6: 16(12)| relation is translated into the personal language of the parent-child 74 NTLet, 2Cor 8: 1(2) | Paul has reflected on his personal experience of need and relief 75 NTLet, 2Cor 8: 12(12)| achieved, independently of personal exertion, by God, who gave 76 NTLet, 2Cor 8: 16(13)| companions, Paul stresses their personal and apostolic qualities, 77 NTLet, 2Cor 10: 9(7) | who find him lacking in personal forcefulness and holds out 78 NTLet, 2Cor 10: 9(7) | holds out the threat of a personal parousia (both "return" 79 NTLet, 2Cor 11: 21(15)| ironically concedes the charge of personal weakness from 2 Cor 10:1- 80 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 5(2) | The revelations were not a personal achievement, nor were they 81 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 7(3) | group. An angel of Satan: a personal messenger from Satan; cf 82 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 9(5) | endure, including active personal hostility, as specified 83 NTLet, 2Cor 12: 10(7) | experienced in him. The first is personal, involving a reversal in 84 NTLet, Gal 4: 12(9) | 12-20] A strongly personal section. Paul appeals to 85 NTLet, Eph Int | Eph 4:21). There are no personal greetings (cf Eph 6:23). 86 NTLet, Phi 1: 14(8) | varied motives, some with personal hostility toward Paul, others 87 NTLet, Phi 1: 14(8) | toward Paul, others out of personal ambition.~ 88 NTLet, Phi 3: 2(3) | claim, especially using personal, autobiographical terms 89 NTLet, Col Int | consists in the conquering of personal sins (Col 3:5-10) and the 90 NTLet, Col 1: 3(2) | accurate, since he has been in personal contact with Epaphras (Col 91 NTLet, 1The Int | conduct is the practical, personal expression of one's Christian 92 NTLet, 1The 5: 5(1) | to the daylight of God's personal revelation and expected 93 NTLet, 1The 5: 10(2) | urges is our indestructible personal union in Christ's own life ( 94 NTLet, 1Tim 3: 1(1) | qualifications required: personal stability and graciousness; 95 NTLet, 1Tim 5: 17(3) | sounds an informal note of personal concern in its advice to 96 NTLet, 2Tim Int | Timothy.~The tone here is more personal than in First Timothy, for 97 NTLet, 2Tim Int | 9), without fear of the personal attacks that may result ( 98 NTLet, 2Tim Int | IV. Personal Requests and Final Greetings ( 99 NTLet, 2Tim 1: 9(7) | holiness of life are not won by personal deeds but are freely and 100 NTLet, 2Tim 4: 9(6) | the presence of the first personal pronoun "we" in these Acts 101 NTLet, Tit Int | Titus 2:11-3:10). The warmer personal tone of Second Timothy is 102 NTLet, Heb 3: 7(3) | word of God and see it as a personal title of Jesus, comparable 103 NTLet, Heb 5: 1(1) | with the people, guilty of personal sin just as they were (Hebrews 104 NTLet, Heb 7: 4(5) | Genesis implies that his personal priesthood is permanent ( 105 NTLet, Heb 13: 1(1) | must not rely for their personal sanctification on regulations 106 CathL, 2Pet 1: 20 | scripture that is a matter of personal interpretation, ~ 107 CathL, 2Pet 1: 20(12)| Spirit intended, not the personal interpretation of false 108 CathL, 3Joh | evidence of the flexible and personal nature of authority in the 109 CathL, 3Joh | instructed, on the basis of their personal links. The brothers have 110 CathL, 3Joh | acknowledge that only a personal confrontation with Diotrephes 111 CathL, 3Joh | life were discussed, and personal ties as well as doctrine