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Alphabetical [« »] angelic 12 angelology 1 angels 159 anger 258 angered 15 angers 1 angle 4 | Frequency [« »] 260 tribe 259 above 259 form 258 anger 257 44 257 ark 257 gal | New American Bible 2002 11 11 IntraText - Concordances anger |
bold = Main text Part, Book Chapter:Verse grey = Comment text
1 Pent, Gen 27: 45 | 45 ~(until your brother's anger against you subsides) and 2 Pent, Gen 30: 2 | 2 ~In anger Jacob retorted, "Can I take 3 Pent, Exo 11: 8 | Pharaoh's presence in hot anger. ~ 4 Pent, Exo 15: 8 | 8 ~At a breath of your anger the waters piled up, the 5 Pent, Exo 19: 22 | themselves; else he will vent his anger upon them." ~ 6 Pent, Exo 19: 24 | LORD; else he will vent his anger upon them." ~ 7 Pent, Exo 34: 6 | and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and 8 Pent, Lev 10: 16(6) | under the blow of the divine anger which struck their brothers 9 Pent, Num 14: 18 | 18 ~'The LORD is slow to anger and rich in kindness, forgiving 10 Pent, Num 22: 22 | 22 ~3 But now the anger of God flared up at him 11 Pent, Num 22: 22(3) | 22] The anger of God flared up: not merely 12 Pent, Num 22: 27 | cowered under Balaam. So, in anger, he again beat the ass with 13 Pent, Num 24: 10 | palms together in a blaze of anger at Balaam and said to him, " 14 Pent, Num 25: 3 | Baal of Peor, the LORD'S anger flared up against Israel, ~ 15 Pent, Num 25: 11 | the priest, has turned my anger from the Israelites by his 16 Pent, Num 32: 13 | 13 ~So in his anger with the Israelites the 17 Pent, Deu 9: 19 | For I dreaded the fierce anger of the LORD against you: 18 Pent, Deu 9: 22 | you provoked the LORD to anger. ~ 19 Pent, Deu 19: 6 | blood may in the heat of his anger pursue the homicide and 20 Pent, Deu 21: 1(1) | in order to avert God's anger on the community.~ 21 Pent, Deu 29: 27 | furious wrath and tremendous anger the LORD uprooted them from 22 Pent, Deu 31: 17 | 17 ~At that time my anger will flare up against them; 23 Pent, Deu 32: 19 | filled with loathing and anger toward his sons and daughters. ~ 24 Pent, Deu 32: 21 | a foolish nation I will anger them. ~ 25 Pent, Jos 7: 1 | were under the ban, and the anger of the LORD flared up against 26 Pent, Jos 7: 26 | the present day. Then the anger of the LORD relented. That 27 Pent, Jos 23: 16 | gods and worship them, the anger of the LORD will flare up 28 Pent, Jud 2: 14 | 14 ~the anger of the LORD flared up against 29 Pent, Jud 2: 20 | 20 ~In his anger toward Israel the LORD said, " 30 Pent, Jud 3: 8 | 8 ~the anger of the LORD flared up against 31 Pent, Jud 8: 3 | When he said this, their anger against him subsided. ~ 32 Pent, Jud 14: 19 | off to his own family in anger, ~ 33 Pent, Jud 21: 1(1) | 1-3] The anger of the Israelites led them 34 His, 1Sam 20: 34 | from the table in great anger and took no food that second 35 His, 1Sam 28: 18 | not carry out his fierce anger against Amalek, the LORD 36 His, 2Sam 6: 8 | the LORD had vented his anger on Uzzah. (The place has 37 His, 2Sam 24: 1 | 1 ~1 The LORD'S anger against Israel flared again, 38 His, 1Kin 8: 46 | does not sin), and in your anger against them you deliver 39 His, 1Kin 15: 30 | LORD, the God of Israel, to anger. ~ 40 His, 1Kin 16: 2 | to sin, provoking me to anger by their sins, ~ 41 His, 1Kin 16: 7 | the LORD, provoking him to anger by his evil deeds, so that 42 His, 1Kin 16: 13 | LORD, the God of Israel, to anger by their idols. ~ 43 His, 1Kin 16: 26 | LORD, the God of Israel, to anger by their idols. ~ 44 His, 1Kin 16: 33 | sacred pole. He did more to anger the LORD, the God of Israel, 45 His, 2Kin 5: 12 | this, he turned about in anger and left. ~ 46 His, 2Kin 17: 18 | 18 ~till, in his great anger against Israel, the LORD 47 His, 2Kin 21: 6 | sight and provoked him to anger. ~ 48 His, 2Kin 22: 13 | has been found, for the anger of the LORD has been set 49 His, 2Kin 22: 17 | they turn their hands, my anger is ablaze against this place 50 His, 2Kin 23: 26 | from his fiercely burning anger against Judah. ~ 51 His, 2Kin 24: 20 | 20 ~The LORD'S anger befell Jerusalem and Judah 52 His, 1Chr 5: 26 | incited against them the anger of Pul, king of Assyria, 53 His, 1Chr 13: 11 | disturbed because the LORD'S anger had broken out against Uzzah. 54 His, 1Chr 21: 1(1) | of 2 Sam 24:1 the Lord's anger. The change in the term 55 His, 2Chr 6: 36 | does not sin), and in your anger against them you deliver 56 His, 2Chr 12: 12 | had humbled himself, the anger of the LORD turned from 57 His, 2Chr 25: 15 | 15 ~Then the anger of the LORD blazed out against 58 His, 2Chr 26: 19 | the moment he showed his anger to the priests, while they 59 His, 2Chr 28: 11 | brethren, for the burning anger of the LORD is upon you." ~ 60 His, 2Chr 28: 13 | and there is a burning anger upon Israel." ~ 61 His, 2Chr 29: 8 | 8 ~Therefore the anger of the LORD has come upon 62 His, 2Chr 29: 10 | Israel, that his burning anger may withdraw from us. ~ 63 His, 2Chr 30: 8 | may turn away his burning anger from you. ~ 64 His, 2Chr 32: 25 | become proud. Therefore anger descended upon him and upon 65 His, 2Chr 32: 26 | the LORD did not vent his anger on them during the time 66 His, 2Chr 34: 21 | has been found. For the anger of the LORD has been set 67 His, 2Chr 34: 25 | they have performed, my anger is ablaze against this place 68 His, 2Chr 36: 16 | his prophets, until the anger of the LORD against his 69 His, Ezr 10: 14 | from us our God's burning anger over this affair." ~ 70 His, Neh 3: 33 | the wall, it roused his anger and he became very much 71 His, Neh 9: 17 | and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in mercy; you did 72 His, Jdt 5: 2 | 2 ~In great anger he summoned all the rulers 73 His, Jdt 8: 14 | No, my brothers, do not anger the Lord our God. ~ 74 His, Est 2: 21 | entrance, had plotted in anger to lay hands on King Ahasuerus. ~ 75 His, Est 3: 5 | him, he was filled with anger. ~ 76 His, Est D: 7 | with the height of majestic anger, the queen staggered, changed 77 His, Est D: 8 | But God changed the king's anger to gentleness. In great 78 His, Est 5: 9 | him, he was filled with anger toward him. ~ 79 His, Est 7: 7 | king left the banquet in anger and went into the garden 80 His, Est 7: 10 | ready for Mordecai, and the anger of the king abated. ~ ~ ~ ~ 81 His, 1Mac 2: 44 | struck down sinners in their anger and lawbreakers in their 82 His, 1Mac 2: 49 | of disaster and violent anger. ~ 83 His, 1Mac 7: 35 | He went away in great anger. ~ 84 His, 1Mac 15: 36 | returned to the king in anger. When he told him of Simon' 85 His, 2Mac 4: 38 | 38 ~Inflamed with anger, he immediately stripped 86 His, 2Mac 5: 20 | Almighty had forsaken in his anger was restored in all its 87 His, 2Mac 9: 4 | 4 ~Overcome with anger, he planned to make the 88 His, 2Mac 13: 4 | King of kings aroused the anger of Antiochus against the 89 His, 2Mac 14: 45 | breathing, and inflamed with anger, he got up and ran through 90 WisdB, Job 9: 5 | he overturns them in his anger. ~ 91 WisdB, Job 15: 13 | 13 ~So that you turn your anger against God and let such 92 WisdB, Job 18: 4 | who tear yourself in your anger, shall the earth be neglected 93 WisdB, Job 20: 28 | off in the day of God's anger. ~ 94 WisdB, Job 21: 17 | portion he allots in his anger? ~ 95 WisdB, Job 32: 2 | 2 ~1 But the anger of Elihu, son of Barachel 96 WisdB, Job 35: 15 | have done otherwise, God's anger punishes, nor does he show 97 WisdB, Job 36: 13 | impious in heart lay up anger for themselves; they cry 98 WisdB, Psa 2: 5 | Then speaks to them in anger, terrifies them in wrath: ~ 99 WisdB, Psa 2: 11 | way in a sudden blaze of anger. Happy are all who take 100 WisdB, Psa 4: 5(3) | understood the emotion to be anger, and it is so cited in Eph 101 WisdB, Psa 6: 2 | Do not reprove me in your anger, LORD, nor punish me in 102 WisdB, Psa 7: 7 | Rise up, LORD, in your anger; rise against the fury of 103 WisdB, Psa 7: 12 | just judge, who rebukes in anger every day. ~ 104 WisdB, Psa 21: 10 | furnace. Then the LORD'S anger will consume them, devour 105 WisdB, Psa 27: 9 | not repel your servant in anger. You are my help; do not 106 WisdB, Psa 30: 6 | 6 ~For divine anger lasts but a moment; divine 107 WisdB, Psa 37: 8 | 8 ~Give up your anger, abandon your wrath; do 108 WisdB, Psa 38: 2 | punish me no more in your anger; in your wrath do not chastise 109 WisdB, Psa 38: 4 | afflicted because of your anger; my frame aches because 110 WisdB, Psa 56: 8 | the nations down in your anger! ~ 111 WisdB, Psa 59: 14 | 14 ~destroy them in anger, destroy till they are no 112 WisdB, Psa 62: 1(1) | 3 and Psalm 62:6-7) and anger toward unjust enemies (Psalm 113 WisdB, Psa 69: 25 | them; let the fury of your anger overtake them. ~ 114 WisdB, Psa 71: 7(2) | a manifestation of God's anger. Cf Deut 28:46; Psalm 31: 115 WisdB, Psa 74: 1 | off forever? Why does your anger burn against the sheep of 116 WisdB, Psa 76: 8 | before you and your great anger? ~ 117 WisdB, Psa 77: 10 | God forgotten mercy, in anger withheld compassion?" Selah ~ 118 WisdB, Psa 78: 21 | blazed up against Jacob; anger flared up against Israel. ~ 119 WisdB, Psa 78: 31 | 31 ~God's anger attacked them, killed their 120 WisdB, Psa 78: 38 | again he turned back his anger, unwilling to unleash all 121 WisdB, Psa 78: 50 | He cleared a path for his anger; he did not spare them from 122 WisdB, Psa 80: 5 | long will you burn with anger while your people pray? ~ 123 WisdB, Psa 85: 4 | turned back your burning anger. ~ 124 WisdB, Psa 85: 6 | us forever, drag out your anger for all generations? ~ 125 WisdB, Psa 86: 15 | and gracious God, slow to anger, most loving and true. ~ 126 WisdB, Psa 90: 7 | we are consumed by your anger, filled with terror by your 127 WisdB, Psa 90: 11 | comprehends your terrible anger? Your wrath matches the 128 WisdB, Psa 93: 1(1) | Sea, or Flood, roars in anger against God, who is personified 129 WisdB, Psa 95: 11 | Therefore I swore in my anger: "They shall never enter 130 WisdB, Psa 103: 8 | gracious is the LORD, slow to anger, abounding in kindness. ~ 131 WisdB, Psa 103: 9 | rebuke, nurses no lasting anger, ~ 132 WisdB, Psa 106: 1(1) | see Numbers 25:1-10), the anger of Moses (Psalm 106:32-33; 133 WisdB, Psa 106: 23 | turn back his destroying anger. ~ 134 WisdB, Psa 145: 8 | gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love. ~ 135 WisdB, Pro 12: 16 | fool immediately shows his anger, but the shrewd man passes 136 WisdB, Pro 15: 1 | but a harsh word stirs up anger. ~ 137 WisdB, Pro 19: 11 | sense in a man to be slow to anger, and it is his glory to 138 WisdB, Pro 20: 2 | roars; he who incurs his anger forfeits his life. ~ 139 WisdB, Pro 21: 14 | 14 ~A secret gift allays anger, and a concealed present, 140 WisdB, Pro 22: 17(4) | defenseless (Proverb 22:22-23), anger (Proverb 22:24-25), giving 141 WisdB, Pro 27: 4 | 4 ~Anger is relentless, and wrath 142 WisdB, Pro 29: 11 | fool gives vent to all his anger; but by biding his time, 143 WisdB, Pro 30: 32(8) | 32-33] The anger aroused by overweening pride 144 WisdB, Pro 30: 33 | curds, and the stirring of anger brings forth blood. ~ ~ ~ 145 WisdB, Ecc 10: 4 | 4 ~Should the anger of the ruler burst upon 146 WisdB, Wisd 5: 20 | 20 ~and whet his sudden anger for a sword, And the universe 147 WisdB, Wisd 10: 3 | withdrew from her in his anger, he perished through his 148 WisdB, Wisd 10: 10 | fled from his brother's anger, guided him in direct ways, 149 WisdB, Wisd 11: 9 | the wicked, condemned in anger, were being tormented. ~ 150 WisdB, Wisd 12: 17(2) | 17] The brunt of God's anger and vindictive justice is 151 WisdB, Wisd 15: 1 | are good and true, slow to anger, and governing all with 152 WisdB, Wisd 16: 5 | of crooked serpents, your anger endured not to the end. ~ 153 WisdB, Wisd 18: 20 | Yet not for long did the anger last. ~ 154 WisdB, Wisd 18: 23 | the midst and checked the anger, and cut off the way to 155 WisdB, Wisd 18: 25 | feared; for the mere trial of anger was enough. ~ ~ ~ 156 WisdB, Sir 1: 19 | One cannot justify unjust anger; anger plunges a man to 157 WisdB, Sir 1: 19 | cannot justify unjust anger; anger plunges a man to his downfall. ~ 158 WisdB, Sir 1: 19(5) | disciple of wisdom shuns unjust anger which brings downfall. By 159 WisdB, Sir 4: 2 | grieve not, a needy man anger not; ~ 160 WisdB, Sir 5: 7 | 7 ~For mercy and anger alike are with him; upon 161 WisdB, Sir 10: 18 | allotted to a man, nor stubborn anger to one born of woman. ~ 162 WisdB, Sir 16: 11 | unpunished. For mercy and anger alike are with him who remits 163 WisdB, Sir 26: 8 | drunken wife arouses great anger, for she does not hide her 164 WisdB, Sir 27: 30 | 30 ~Wrath and anger are hateful things, yet 165 WisdB, Sir 28: 3 | 3 ~Should a man nourish anger against his fellows and 166 WisdB, Sir 28: 10 | strength, the sterner his anger, the greater his power, 167 WisdB, Sir 30: 14(2) | resentment, anxiety, envy and anger shorten . . . life; they 168 WisdB, Sir 30: 24 | 24 ~Envy and anger shorten one's life, worry 169 WisdB, Sir 31: 29 | disgrace is wine drunk amid anger and strife. ~ 170 WisdB, Sir 36: 6 | 6 ~Rouse your anger, pour out wrath, humble 171 WisdB, Sir 39: 28 | their force and appease the anger of their Maker. ~ 172 WisdB, Sir 46: 7 | assembly, Averted God's anger from the people and suppressed 173 ProphB, Isa 7: 4 | smoldering brands (the blazing anger of Rezin and the Arameans, 174 ProphB, Isa 10: 5 | Woe to Assyria! My rod in anger, my staff in wrath. ~ 175 ProphB, Isa 10: 25 | brief moment more, and my anger shall be over; but them 176 ProphB, Isa 11: 15 | Euphrates in his fierce anger And shatter it into seven 177 ProphB, Isa 12: 1 | been angry with me, your anger has abated, and you have 178 ProphB, Isa 13: 3 | and bold to carry out my anger. ~ 179 ProphB, Isa 13: 9 | with wrath and burning anger; To lay waste the land and 180 ProphB, Isa 13: 13 | on the day of his burning anger. ~ 181 ProphB, Isa 14: 6 | beat down the nations in anger, with oppression unchecked. ~ 182 ProphB, Isa 22: 24(7) | 24-25] If Eliakim should anger God, he and his family ( 183 ProphB, Isa 41: 11 | disgrace who vent their anger against you; Those shall 184 ProphB, Isa 42: 25 | out wrath upon them, his anger, and the fury of battle; 185 ProphB, Isa 45: 16 | disgrace who vent their anger against him; Those go in 186 ProphB, Isa 45: 24 | come all who vent their anger against him. ~ 187 ProphB, Isa 48: 9 | of my name I restrain my anger, for the sake of my renown 188 ProphB, Isa 63: 3 | with me. I trod them in my anger, and trampled them down 189 ProphB, Isa 63: 6 | trampled down the peoples in my anger, I crushed them in my wrath, 190 ProphB, Jer 2: 35 | innocent; at least, his anger is turned away from me." 191 ProphB, Jer 4: 4 | citizens of Jerusalem; Lest my anger break out like fire, and 192 ProphB, Jer 7: 20 | now, says the Lord GOD, my anger and my wrath will pour out 193 ProphB, Jer 10: 10 | eternal King, Before whose anger the earth quakes, whose 194 ProphB, Jer 10: 24 | but with equity, not in anger, lest you have us dwindle 195 ProphB, Jer 12: 13 | their harvest, the flaming anger of the LORD. ~ 196 ProphB, Jer 18: 23 | them in the time of your anger. ~ ~ ~ 197 ProphB, Jer 21: 5 | hand and mighty arm, in anger, and wrath, and great rage! ~ 198 ProphB, Jer 23: 20 | 20 ~The anger of the LORD shall not abate 199 ProphB, Jer 30: 24 | 24 ~The anger of the LORD will not abate 200 ProphB, Jer 32: 31 | this city has excited my anger and wrath, ~ 201 ProphB, Jer 32: 37 | all the lands to which in anger, wrath, and great rage I 202 ProphB, Jer 33: 5 | those whom I slay in my anger and wrath, when I hide my 203 ProphB, Jer 36: 7 | for great is the fury of anger with which the LORD has 204 ProphB, Jer 42: 18 | Israel: Just as my furious anger was poured out upon the 205 ProphB, Jer 42: 18 | of Jerusalem, so shall my anger be poured out on you when 206 ProphB, Jer 44: 6 | Therefore the fury of my anger poured forth in flame over 207 ProphB, Lam 2: 2 | He has torn down in his anger the fortresses of daughter 208 ProphB, Lam 3: 1 | affliction from the rod of his anger, ~ 209 ProphB, Lam 4: 11 | The LORD has spent his anger, poured out his blazing 210 ProphB, Bar 1: 13 | our God, and the wrath and anger of the LORD have not yet 211 ProphB, Bar 2: 13 | 13 ~Let your anger be withdrawn from us, for 212 ProphB, Bar 2: 20 | have brought your wrath and anger down upon us, as you had 213 ProphB, Bar 4: 9 | saw coming upon you the anger of God; and she said: "Hear, 214 ProphB, Bar 4: 25 | children, bear patiently the anger that has come from God upon 215 ProphB, Eze 5: 13 | 13 ~Thus shall my anger spend itself, and I will 216 ProphB, Eze 5: 15 | execute judgment upon you in anger and fury and with furious 217 ProphB, Eze 7: 3 | upon you; I will unleash my anger against you and judge you 218 ProphB, Eze 7: 8 | fury upon you and spend my anger upon you; I will judge you 219 ProphB, Eze 13: 13 | stormwinds; because of my anger there shall be a flooding 220 ProphB, Eze 16: 26 | times that I was provoked to anger. ~ 221 ProphB, Eze 20: 8 | on them and spending my anger on them there in the land 222 ProphB, Eze 20: 21 | on them, of spending my anger on them in the desert; ~ 223 ProphB, Eze 22: 21 | you with the fire of my anger and smelt you with it. ~ 224 ProphB, Eze 25: 14 | Edom in accordance with my anger and my fury; thus they shall 225 ProphB, Eze 35: 11 | with you according to your anger and your envy which you 226 ProphB, Eze 38: 18 | shall be aroused. In my anger ~ 227 ProphB, Dan 9: 16 | your just deeds, let your anger and your wrath be turned 228 ProphB, Hos Int | pass quickly from violent anger to the deepest tenderness. 229 ProphB, Hos 7: 3(1) | the morning, the sleeping anger of plotters soon breaks 230 ProphB, Hos 7: 6 | ovens. All the night their anger sleeps; in the morning it 231 ProphB, Hos 11: 9 | give vent to my blazing anger, I will not destroy Ephraim 232 ProphB, Hos 13: 11 | I give you a king in my anger, and I take him away in 233 ProphB, Joe 2: 13 | merciful is he, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting 234 ProphB, Amo 1: 11 | Because he persisted in his anger and kept his wrath to the 235 ProphB, Jon 4: 2 | and merciful God, slow to anger, rich in clemency, loathe 236 ProphB, Mic 5: 14 | will wreak vengeance in anger and wrath upon the nations 237 ProphB, Mic 7: 18 | Who does not persist in anger forever, but delights rather 238 ProphB, Nah 1: 3 | 3 ~The LORD is slow to anger, yet great in power, and 239 ProphB, Nah 1: 6 | who can face his blazing anger? His fury is poured out 240 ProphB, Hab 3: 8 | 8 ~Is your anger against the streams, O LORD? 241 ProphB, Zep 2: 2 | comes upon you the blazing anger of the LORD: Before there 242 ProphB, Zep 2: 2 | you the day of the LORD'S anger. ~ 243 ProphB, Zep 2: 3 | on the day of the LORD'S anger. ~ 244 ProphB, Zep 3: 8 | my wrath, all my blazing anger; For in the fire of my jealousy 245 ProphB, Zec 1: 12 | Judah that have felt your anger these seventy years?" ~ 246 ProphB, Zec 6: 1(1) | brings the spirit, i.e., anger of the Lord against the 247 ProphB, Zec 7: 13 | LORD of hosts in his great anger said that, as they had not 248 Gosp, Mat 5: 22(18)| 22] Anger is the motive behind murder, 249 Gosp, Mat 18: 34 | 34 ~Then in anger his master handed him over 250 Gosp, Mar Int | emotion: pity (Mark 1:44), anger (Mark 3:5), triumph (Mark 251 Gosp, Mar 3: 5 | Looking around at them with anger and grieved at their hardness 252 Gosp, Joh 11: 33(7) | snorted in spirit," perhaps in anger at the presence of evil ( 253 NTLet, 1Cor 10: 22 | provoking the Lord to jealous anger? Are we stronger than he? ~ 254 NTLet, Eph 4: 26 | let the sun set on your anger, 11 ~ 255 NTLet, Eph 4: 31 | 31 ~All bitterness, fury, anger, shouting, and reviling 256 NTLet, Eph 6: 4 | provoke your children to anger, but bring them up with 257 NTLet, Col 3: 8 | must put them all away: 5 anger, fury, malice, slander, 258 NTLet, 1Tim 2: 8 | lifting up holy hands, without anger or argument. ~