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Sala Stampa

Messaggio del Cardinale Segretario di Stato, a nome del Santo Padre, in occasione dell’attentato nell’isola di Mindanao (Filippine), 27.12.2015

Con un messaggio a firma del Cardinale Pietro Parolin, Segretario di Stato, il Santo Padre ha espresso il proprio cordoglio per le vittime di un attentato a Mindanao, nelle Filippine. Ne riportiamo di seguito il testo:


The Holy Father was deeply saddened to learn of the senseless killing of innocent people in Mindanao, and he sends condolences to the families of those who lost their lives. His Holiness prays that security and safety will be established for all people in the region, so that dialogue, tolerance and peace may enable each person to live free from fear. He asks all believers to reject violence in the name of God who is love, and invokes abundant divine gifts of consolation, mercy and strength upon those affected by this tragedy.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State

[02286-EN.01] [Original text: English]