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Il cordoglio del Santo Padre per la strage di studenti nel Campus universitario a Garissa (Kenya), 03.04.2015

Pubblichiamo di seguito il testo del telegramma inviato - a nome del Santo Padre - dal Cardinale Segretario di Stato Pietro Parolin al Presidente della Conferenza Episcopale del Kenya, Card. John Njue, Arcivescovo di Nairobi, per le vittime della strage compiuta ieri nel Campus universitario di Garissa, che ha provocato la morte di 147 studenti e il ferimento di molti altri:


His Eminence Cardinal John Njue

President of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops


Deeply saddened by the immense and tragic loss of life caused by the recent attack on the Garissa University College, the Holy Father sends assurances of his prayers and spiritual closeness to the families of the victims and to all Kenyans at this painful time. He commends the souls of the deceased to the infinite mercy of Almighty God, and he prays that all who mourn them will be comforted in their loss. In union with all people of good will throughout the world, His Holiness condemns this act of senseless brutality and prays for a change of heart among its perpetrators. He calls upon all those in authority to redouble their efforts to work with all men and women in Kenya to bring an end to such violence and to hasten the dawn of a new era of brotherhood, justice and peace.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin

Secretary of State

[00534-EN.01] [Original text: English]
