This morning, the Holy Father Francis received in audience the members of the “Gaudium et Spes” Foundation.
The following is the Pope’s greeting to those present at the meeting:
Greeting of the Holy Father
Dear brothers and sisters
of the Gaudium et Spes Foundation,
I receive you with joy in this Jubilee year we have just begun, and which makes us all “pilgrims of hope”. I wish to thank you for the work that you carry out, especially in favour of the poorest, following the teachings of the Conciliar Constitution from which you taken your name, and which you honour with your actions.
In this regard, the Foundation and its works bring this document up to date, coinciding with the synodal spirit of the Church, where we are all united in Christ, forming a universal brotherhood, as members of his Body (cf. 1 Cor 12:12 and Rom 12:5). This union is accomplished through the Holy Spirit, who is Love, and is manifested in solidarity, especially towards those who suffer the most.
This abiding in Christ makes us family, brothers and sisters, with the same dignity. And the nourishment of this family that gathers to eat together on Sundays in the Mass, is the Eucharist. We form one body, because we eat the same bread (cf. 1 Cor 10:17). It is the spiritual food that is served to all equally, and lets us live in communion with God and our brothers and sisters.
This power of the Holy Spirit leads us to be instruments of God's love that wants to reach all men and women, without distinction.
Therefore, in this Holy Year, I wish to thank you, because you are a reason for hope for all people who suffer and are discouraged; people who, through your work, feel that God caresses them and consoles them in their sufferings.
May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin keep you. And do not forget to pray for me. I will pray for you too.