Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Calendar of Celebrations presided over by the Holy Father Francis (March – April 2025), 12.02.2025

5 March
Ash Wednesday
Church of Saint Anselm, 16.30
Statio and penitential procession

Basilica of Saint Sabina, 17.00
Holy Mass with the blessing and imposition of the ashes

9 March
First Sunday of Lent
Saint Peter’s Square, 10.30
Holy Mass
Jubilee of the World of Volunteering

9 March
Beginning of the Spirtual Exercises of the Holy Father and the Roman Curia
Paul VI Hall, 17.00

14 March
Conclusion of the Spiritual Exercises of the Holy Father and the Roman Curia
Paul VI Hall, 09.00

6 April
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Saint Peter’s Square, 10.30
Holy Mass
Jubilee of the Sick and the World of Healthcare

Vatican City, 12 February 2025

✠ Diego Ravelli
Titular Archbishop of Recanati
Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations
