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Sala Stampa

Notice for journalists, 25.11.2024

Tomorrow, Tuesday 26 November 2024, at 12.15, in the Holy See Press Office, Via della Conciliazione 54, a “Meeting point” for journalists will be held on the event “The days of Saint John Paul II at the Pontifical Universities of Rome”, promoted and organized by the John Paul II Vatican Foundation, with the collaboration of the Church and Hospice of Saint Stanislaus Martyr in Rome and the Pontifical John Paul II University of Krakow, and the patronage of the Dicastery for Culture and Education. The event will take place from 26 to 29 November, at the three Pontifical Universities of Rome: the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, and the Pontifical Gregorian University.

The following will be present and available for press interviews on the event:

- Msgr.Dr. Paweł Ptasznik, president of the John Paul II Vatican Foundation;

Michał Kłosowski, Church and Hospice of Saint Stanislaus Martyr in Rome;

The Reverend Professor Dariusz Kowalczyk S.J., Faculty of Theology, Pontifical Gregorian University;

Professor Diego Contreras, Faculty of Institutional Communication, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross;

The Reverend Benedict Croell, O.P., director of the Public Relations Office, Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas;

Sr. Mary Angela Woelkers, S.C.T.J.M., Public Relations Office, Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas.


Accreditation and participation procedure

Journalists and media operators who wish to participate in the Meeting point must apply, no less than 24 hours before the event, via the Holy See Press Office online accreditation system at, selecting the event: Meeting point “Le Giornate di San Giovanni Paolo II”.

Journalists and media operators admitted to the Meeting point will receive confirmation of participation via the online accreditation system.


Journalists and media operators accredited for the Meeting point are invited to arrive 30 minutes prior to the starting time.
