Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Apostolic Journey of His Holiness Francis in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Singapore (2 to 13 September 2024) – Private meeting with the bishop, priests, and consecrated men and women at the Saint Francis Xavier Retreat Centre and Visit to a group of elderly and sick people at Saint Theresa’s Home, 13.09.2024

This morning, after celebrating Holy Mass privately, shortly after 08.30 (02.30 in Rome), the Holy Father Francis met privately with the bishop, priests, and consecrated men and women in the Chapel of the Saint Francis Xavier Retreat Centre. The meeting was also attended by the President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, Archbishop Julian Leow Beng Kim, metropolitan of Kuala Lumpur.

In his address to those present, after the greeting from His Eminence Cardinal William Seng Chye Goh, archbishop of Singapore, the Pope listed some characteristics of pastors, so that they may be “in the midst of the people, joined to God, brothers among you and united with the bishop”. He reminded the religious sisters present, “Do not forget to express the maternity of the Church”.

At the end of the discussion, which lasted approximately twenty minutes, before the blessing and the group photograph, the Holy Father urged everyone present to preserve their smile.

He then bade farewell to the staff and benefactors of the residence and transferred by car to Saint Theresa’s Home, where he met with a group of elderly and sick people.

Upon arrival, at 09.35 (03.35 in Rome), Pope Francis was received in the main courtyard of the structure by the archbishop of Singapore, His Eminence Cardinal William Goh Seng Chye, the executive director, the chief executive officer and the chairman of the Board of Catholic Welfare Services. He was also welcomed in the courtyard by around one hundred staff members.

The Holy Father then visited Archbishop Nicholas Chia Yeck Joo, emeritus of Singapore, in the Prayer Room, where three priests and a religious sister were also present. He then paused briefly in the Chapel of the care home where Dr. Michael Thio, chairman of the Board of Catholic Welfare Services (CWS) presented the work of the charity. Pope Francis addressed some words of greeting to those present and blessed them, along with the guests of the structure.

Before leaving the Chapel and proceeding to the main entrance for a group photograph with some members of staff and guests of Saint Theresa’s Home, the Holy Father blessed a commemorative plaque.

At the end of the meeting, the Pope transferred by car to the Catholic Junior College for the interreligious meeting with young people.
