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Sala Stampa

Presentation of credential letters of the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the Holy See, 22.08.2024

This morning, in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in audience His Excellency Mr. Juraj Priputen, ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the Holy See, on the occasion of the presentation of his credential letters.

The following is a brief biography of the new ambassador:

His Excellency Mr. Juraj Priputen
Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the Holy See

His Excellency Mr. Juraj Priputen was born on 18 July 1975 in Bratislava, and is married with two children.

He was awarded a degree and a master’s from the Moscow State University of International Relations Faculty of International Law, Moscow (1992-1997) and a doctorate from the Faculty of Law of Cornelius University, Bratislava (1999-2000).

He has held the following offices: desk officer, Department of Human Rights, Department for the International Court of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1997-2000); human rights advisor, Permanent Mission of the Slovak Republic at the United Nations, New York (2000-2004); director of the Office of the Secretary General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2004-2006); deputy head of mission, Embassy in the Russian Federation (2006-2010); head of unit of the Department of the United Nations, director of the Department of Human Rights, director general for Human Resources and deputy secretary general, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010-2013); ambassador in Croatia (2013-2018); director of the Department of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2018-2019); and foreign policy advisor to the Speaker of the National Council of the Slovak Republic (2019-2024).