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Resignations and Appointments, 15.08.2024

Appointment of bishop of Embu, Kenya

Appointment of military ordinary of Kenya

Appointment of auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Kannur, India


Appointment of bishop of Embu, Kenya

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Peter Kimani Ndung’u, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Nairobi, until now national chaplain of the Kenya Prisons Service, as bishop of the diocese of Embu, Kenya.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Peter Kimani Ndung’u was born on 11 November 1966 in Githunguri, district of Kiambu, in the archdiocese of Nairobi. After the preparatory year at Saint Mary’s Major Seminary in Molo, he carried out his studies in philosophy at the Apostles of Jesus Major Seminary of Nairobi, and in theology at the Saint Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary of Nairobi.

He was ordained a priest on 22 July 1995 for the archdiocese of Nairobi.

After ordination, he first held the roles of assistant at Saints Peter and Paul in Kiambu (1995-1999), parish priest of Holy Rosary in Kamwangi (1999-2001), and since 2001, national chaplain of the Kenya Prisons Service. He was awarded a diploma in information technology (2002) and a diploma in psychological accompaniment for the rehabilitation of prisoners (2003), with a subsequent refresher (2015) at the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI). He went on to serve as representative for Africa of the International Commission of Catholic Prison Pastoral Care (ICCPPC) (since 2008).


Appointment of military ordinary of Kenya

The Holy Father has appointed Bishop Wallace Ng’ang’a Gachihi, titular of Thucca in Mauretania and auxiliary of Nairobi, as ordinary of the Military Ordinariate of Kenya.

Curriculum vitae

Bishop Wallace Ng’ang’a Gachihi was born on 26 March 1973 in Gatundu, district of Kiambu, in the archdiocese of Nairobi. After attending Saint Mary’s Major Seminary in Molo, he studied philosophy at Saint Augustine’s Major Seminary in Mabanga and theology at Saint Matthias Mulumba Senior Seminary in Tindinyo.

He was ordained a priest on 21 May 2005, and incardinated in the archdiocese of Nairobi.

After ordination, he first served as assistant (2005-2006) and parish priest (2006-2009) of Saints Peter and Paul, Kiambu. He was awarded a master’s degree in pastoral theology at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa-CUEA (2008-2011), and went on to serve as assistant at the Regina Coeli parish, Karen (2009-2015), parish priest of Christ the King, Embakasi (2015-2024), coordinator of archdiocesan pastoral care (2011-2024), and member of the College of Consultors.

On 13 February 2024 he was elected titular bishop of Thucca in Mauretania and auxiliary of Nairobi, and the following 6 April he received episcopal ordination.


Appointment of auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Kannur, India

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Msgr. Dennis Kuruppassery, of the clergy of Kottapuram, until now nunciature counsellor in service at the Pontifical Representation in Malta, as auxiliary of the diocese of Kannur, India, assigning him the titular see of Macomades rusticiana.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Dennis Kuruppassery was born on 4 August 1967 in Palliport, in the diocese of Kottapuram. He studied philosophy and theology at Saint Joseph Pontifical Seminary, in Alwaye, Kerala, and graduated in canon law.

He was ordained a priest on 23 December 1991 for the clergy of Kottapuram.

He has held the following offices: deputy parish priest of Saint Francis of Assisi, Thuruthipuram (1991-1993) and of Saint Sebastian’s, Gothuruth (1994-1995), and parish priest of Saint Anthony’s, Pullot (1996-1997) in the diocese of Kottapuram.

He entered the Holy See diplomatic service on 1 July 2001 and served at the Pontifical Representations in Burundi (2001-2004), Egypt (2004-2007), Thailand (2007-2010), Czech Republic (2010-2013), Gabon (2013-2016), and United States of America (2016-2021). He is currently nunciature counsellor in Malta.