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Pastoral Visit of the Holy Father Francis to Trieste (Sunday 7 July 2024) on the occasion of the 50th Social Week of Italian Catholics (3 to 7 July 2024) - Programme, 06.06.2024


Departure from the Vatican heliport


Arrival at the “Generali Convention Center” of Trieste

The Holy Father will be welcomed by:

- Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi, Archbishop of Bologna, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference Episcopale Italiana

- Archbishop Luigi Renna of Catania, chair of the Social Weeks Organizing Commitee

- Bishop Enrico Trevisi of Trieste

- The Honorable Massimiliano Fedriga, presidente of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

- His Excellency Mr. Pietro Signoriello, prefect of Trieste

- Mr. Roberto Dipiazza, mayor of Trieste

- Dr. Philippe Donnet, managing director of “Generali”


GENERALI CONVENTION CENTER: Meeting with congress participants

- Greeting from Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi

- Introduction from Bishop Luigi Renna

* Address of the Holy Father


Al termine del discorso, mentre i Congressisti si trasferiscono a Piazza Unità d’Italia, il Santo Padre incontra brevemente alcuni gruppi distinti:

At the end of the address, while the congress participants transfer to Piazza Unità d’Italia, the Holy Father will meet with several separate groups:

- Ecumenical representatives (15)

- Academic sphere (50)

- Migrants and the disabled (150)


The Holy Father will leave the Generali Convention Center in an open car


PIAZZA UNITÀ D’ITALIA: Eucharistic Concelebration

* Homily of the Holy Father

* Angelus

Before the concluding Blessing:

- Words of thanks from Bishop Enrico Trevisi


Departure from the Molo Audace of Trieste


Arrival at the Vatican heliport.
