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Credential Letters of the Ambassador of the Republic of Argentina to the Holy See, 31.05.2024

This morning, in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in audience His Excellency Mr. Luis Pablo María Beltramino, ambassador of the Republic of Argentina to the Holy See, on the occasion of the presentation of his credential letters.

The following is a brief biography of the new ambassador:


His Excellency Mr. Luis Pablo María Beltramino
Ambassador of the Republic of Argentina to the Holy See

Born on 30 January 1961, he is married with three children.

He is a lawyer, and graduated from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, Buenos Aires.

He entered the diplomatic service in 1991 and has held the following offices: private secretary of the chancellor Guido di Tella, Cabinet of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1991-1993); Political Section, Embassy in the United States of America (1993-1998), private secretary of the chancellor Adalberto Rodríguez Giavarini, Cabinet of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religion (1999-2001), Cabinet of the Secretariat of State for Foreign Affairs (2002), General Consulate and Centre for Promotion in New York (2002-2008), Cabinet of the Secretary of State for International Coordination and Cooperation (2008 - 2010), Executive Secretariat of the XX Ibero-American Summit (2010), head of Chancellery, Embassy in the Netherlands (2010 - 2016), alternate delegate for the Representation of Argentina to the International Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPAQ), diplomatic representative to the Board of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (CPA) and to the Council of Diplomatic Representatives of the Conference on Private International Law (CDIP) in The Hague (2011 - 2016), executive director and governor of Argentina at the Common Fund for Commodities (FCPB), Amsterdam (2011 - 2013), director for Community Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2016 - 2018); director for Europe, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2018); under-secretary for Foreign Affairs (2019) and ambassador to Vietnam (2020 - 2024).