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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 16.05.2024

Appointment of metropolitan archbishop of Concepción, Chile

The Holy Father has appointed Bishop Sergio Hernán Pérez de Arce Arraigada, SS.CC., as metropolitan archbishop of Concepción, Chile, transferring him from the diocese of San Bartolomé de Chilián.

Curriculum vitae

Archbishop-elect Sergio Hernán Pérez de Arce Arraigada, SS.CC., was born on 26 August 1963 in Quillota, Chile. He entered the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts in 1982, and was ordained a priest on 15 December 1990 in Valparaíso.

He has held the following offices: provincial superior of his Congregation (2005-2011), president of the Conference of Religious of Chile and member of the National Council for the prevention of abuse and the accompaniment of victims (2011-2014), delegate for receiving reports of abuse in the Chilean SS.CC. province (since 2018), and secretary of the Episcopal Conference.

He became apostolic administrator of the diocese of San Bartolomé de Chilián on 21 September 2018, and on 5 February 2020 he was appointed bishop of the same diocese.
