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Sala Stampa

Credential Letters of the Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Holy See, 01.05.2024

This morning, in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in audience His Excellency Mr. Franklin Mauricio Zeltzer Malpica, ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Holy See, on the occasion of the presentation of his credential letters.

The following is a brief biography of the new ambassador:

His Excellency Mr. Franklin Mauricio Zeltzer Malpica
Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Holy See

His Excellency Mr. Franklin Mauricio Zeltzer Malpica was born on 12 June 1955, and is married with three children.

He graduated in naval sciences, specializing in mechanics, and was awarded a master’s degree in business administration from the Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas (INCAE) in Costa Rica (1994-1996). In addition, he completed an advanced management programme at IESA-Caracas (2001-2002).

He has held the following offices: professor of naval communications at the Naval School of Venezuela (1992-1994), professor of naval manoeuvres at the Venezuela Naval School (1992); professor of cost analysis, planning and decision making at the Naval Postgraduate School (1997); president of the International Association of Military Universities and Polytechnics (AIUPAM) (2006 - 2007) chancellor of the Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana (UNEFA) (2003 - 2009); vice-president of the Association of Bolivarian Rectors (2006 - 2009; director of naval logistics (2000 - 2001); director of the National Polygraphic Office (2000 - 2001); director of naval intelligence (2002 - 2003); captain of the port of Margarita (2010 - 2011); and president of Diques y Astilleros Nacionales C. A. - Dianca (2013 - 2019).
