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Sala Stampa

Notice from the Office for Liturgical Celebrations, 14.03.2024




24 March 2024

Papal Chapel
Saint Peter’s Square, 10.00

The Holy Father will preside over the Commemoration of the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem and Holy Mass.


The Patriarchs, Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops who wish to concelebrate are required to be present by 9.15 in the Chapel of Saint Sebastian in the Basilica to put on their liturgical vestments, bringing with them: the Patriarchs and Cardinals, the white damask mitre; the Archbishops and Bishops, the white mitre.

The Priests who wish to concelebrate, provided with a special ticket, issued by the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff through the procedure indicated at, subject to availability of places, should be present by 9.00, in the sector reserved for them on the parvis of Saint Peter's Basilica, where they will wear the amice, surplice, cincture and red stole that they will have brought with them.


All those who, in accordance with the Motu Proprio “Pontificalis Domus” make up the Pontifical Chapel, and provided with the Notification requested by e-mail at, wish to participate in the liturgical celebration without concelebrating, wearing their own choral habit, are kindly requested to be at the Braccio di Costantino 9.30.


28 March 2024
Chrism Mass
Saint Peter’s Basilica, 9.30

The Holy Father will preside over Chrism Mass, concelebrated by the Patriarchs, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Priests (diocesan and religious) present in Rome.

The Eucharistic Celebration will be preceded by the Terce prayer, beginning at 9.00.


The Patriarchs and the Cardinals, by 9.00, and the Archbishops and Bishops, by 8.30, shall be present in the Chapel of Saint Sebastian to put on their liturgical vestments, bringing with them: the Patriarchs and Cardinals, the white damask mitre; the Archbishops and Bishops, the white mitre.

The Priests will be present by 8.30 at the Braccio di Costantino, entering via the Bronze Door, bringing with them their amice, surplice, cincture and white stole.

The blessed oils, as usual, can be collected at the Sacristy of the Lateran Basilica.


29 March 2024
Celebration of the Passion of the Lord
Papal Chapel
Saint Peter’s Basilica, 17.00

The Holy Father will preside over the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord.


The Patriarchs, Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops will wear their own choral habit, without the ring; those who wish may go to the Chapel of the reposition of the Blessed Sacrament for a brief adoration; then, by 16.30, they will take the place assigned to them near the Altar of the Confessio.


The Prelates, the Chaplains of His Holiness and all those who, in accordance with the Motu Proprio “Pontificalis Domus” make up the Papal Chapel, provided with the Notification requested by e-mail at, and wearing their own choral habit, are kindly requested to be present at 16.30 at the Altar of the Confessio to take the place that will be indicated to them by the Pontifical Masters of Ceremonies.


Colosseum, 21.15

The Holy Father will preside over the pious exercise of the “Via Crucis”, at the end of which he will impart the Apostolic Blessing.


30-31 March 2024
Vigil on the Holy Night of Easter
Papal Chapel
Saint Peter’s Basilica, 19.30

The Holy Father will preside over the Vigil on the Holy Night of Easter.


The Patriarchs, the Cardinals, the Archbishops and the Bishops who wish to concelebrate are requested to be present at 19.00 in the Chapel of Saint Sebastian to put on their liturgical vestments, bringing with them: the Patriarchs and Cardinals, the white damask mitre; the Archbishops and Bishops, the white mitre.

The priests who wish to concelebrate, provided with a special ticket, issued by the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff via the procedure indicated at, subject to availability of places, should be present by 18.30, at the Braccio di Costantino, bringing with them the amice, surplice, cincture and white stole.


All those who, in accordance with the Motu Proprio “Pontificalis Domus”, make up the Papal Chapel, provided with the Notification requested by e-mail at, and wearing their own choral habit, are kindly requested to be present by 19.00 at the Altar of the Confessio to take the place that will be indicated to them by the Pontifical Masters of Ceremonies.


Mass of the day
Papal Chapel
Saint Peter’s Square, 10.00

The Holy Father will preside over Holy Mass and, at 12 noon, from the central loggia of the Basilica, will impart the “Urbi et Orbi” Blessing.


The Patriarchs, Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops who wish to concelebrate are requested to be present by 9.30 at the Chapel of Saint Sebastian to put on their liturgical vestments, bringing with them: the Patriarchs and Cardinals, the white damask mitre; the Archbishops and Bishops, the white mitre.

The priests who wish to concelebrate, provided with a special ticket, issued by the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff via the procedure indicated at, subject to availability of places, should be present by 9.00, at the Braccio di Costantino, bringing with them the amice, surplice, cincture and white stole.


All those who, in accordance with the Motu Proprio “Pontificalis Domus”, make up the Papal Chapel, provided with the Notification requested by e-mail at, and wearing their own choral habit, are kindly requested to be present by 9.00 on the parvis of Saint Peter’s Basilica to take the place that will be indicated to them by the Pontifical Masters of Ceremonies.

Vatican City, 14 March 2024

By mandate of the Holy Father

✠ Diego Ravelli
Titular Archbishop of Recanati
Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations
