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Conference for accredited journalists, entitled “Laudate Deum: voices and testimonies on the climate crisis (updated), 04.10.2023



Tomorrow, Thursday 5 October 2023, at 10.00, in Largo della Radio, adjacent to the Palazzina Leone XIII in the Vatican, a conference reserved to accredited journalists will be held, entitled “Laudate Deum: voices and testimonies on the climate crisis”.

The speakers will be:

Giorgio Leonardo Renato Parisi, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2021;

Vandana Shiva, scientist, activist and environmentalist (by remote link);

Carlo Petrini, gastronomist, sociologist and activist (by remote link);

Jonathan Safran Foer, writer;

Luisa-Marie Neubauer, leader of “Fridays for Future” in Germany;

Benoit Halgand, co-founder of the French youth organizations “Réveil Ecologique” and “Lutte et Contemplation”;

Jubran Ali Mohammed Ali, young man from Libya;

Ridhima Pandey, protagonist of the film “The Letter: A Message for our Earth” on Laudato si’ (by remote link);

Alessandra Sarmentino, animator of the Progetto Policoro of the archdiocese of Palermo, animator of the Movimento Laudato si’ and associate of Catholic Action:

- Yann Arthus-Bertrand, photographer, director and UN Environmental Goodwill Ambassador (video contribution).

The conference will be livestreamed on the Vatican News YouTube channel, at: