Rescriptum ex Audientia Sanctissimi
Suppression of the Good Samaritan and Justice and Peace Foundations,
and establishment of the Van Thuân Foundation
Il Sommo Pontefice Francesco, nell’Udienza concessa al sottoscritto Cardinale Prefetto del Dicastero per il Servizio dello Sviluppo Umano Integrale in data 3 luglio 2023
The Supreme Pontiff Francis, in the Audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development on 3 July 2023
- in accordance with can. 120 §1 of the Code of Canon Law, the suppression of the Good Samaritan and Justice and Peace Foundations;
- the establishment of the Van Thuân Foundation, delegating to me the issue of the relative statute;
- that the residual assets of the Good Samaritan and Justice and Peace Foundations be transferred to the newly-established Van Thuân Foundation.
The Holy Father has furthermore decreed that this Rescript shall enter into force on 25 July 2023 with publication in L'Osservatore Romano and in the official commentary of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis.
From the Vatican, 3 July 2023
Cardinal Michael Czerny S.J.