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Sala Stampa

Decree of the Holy Father Francis on the entities for formation to the Priesthood in the territory of the Diocese of Rome and appointment of Rector of the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary, 05.07.2023

Having promulgated, on 6 January 2023, the Apostolic Constitution In Ecclesiarum Communione regarding the organization of the Vicariate of Rome;

Having assigned, on the same date, the Sectors and Pastoral Areas and Services to the auxiliary bishops of the Diocese of Rome;

Having appointed, on 26 May 2023, a new auxiliary bishop for the Diocese of Rome in the person of Bishop Michele Di Tolve;


that Bishop Michele Di Tolve be entrusted with the task of strengthening relations between the entities for formation to the priesthood present in the territory of the Diocese of Rome and of coordinating their activities, in agreement with Bishop Baldassarre Reina, vice-gerent.

In this context, I appoint Bishop Michele Di Tolve rector of the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary.

He will exercise his mandate in accord with the Episcopal Council. For matters of greater importance, he will report directly to me.

Rome, Saint John Lateran, 4 July 2023

