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Sala Stampa

Video Message of the Holy Father to the “Movimiento Misioneros de Francisco” on the occasion of the inauguration of the Paseo Histórico Cultural “Negro Manuel” de la Virgen de Luján, 20.06.2022

The following is the text of the video message sent by the Holy Father Francis to the Movimiento Misioneros de Francisco on the occasion of the inauguration of the Paseo Histórico Cultural “Negro Manuel” de la Virgen de Luján:


Video Message of the Holy Father

I wish to be close to you, accompanying the Movimiento Misioneros de Francisco which is currently inaugurating or blessing the Paseo Histórico Cultural de la Virgen de Luján.

It is our wish to accompany in this place the remembrance and devotion of the Virgen de Luján, to accompany the patience of “Negro Manuel”. A walk through the history and life of “Negro Manuel”. I accompany you, I bless you. May the Virgin Mary watch over you, and may “Negro Manuel” intercede for all of you. And keep going forward, with that simple faith, with this faith that is the faith we receive from our parents, the faith of our people. It is the faith that changes history.

May the Virgen of Luján keep you, and may “Negro Manuel” show you the way. Thank you very much.
