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Resignations and Appointments, 27.05.2022

Resignation of metropolitan archbishop of Perugia-Città della Pieve, Italy

Appointment of auxiliary bishops of Rome, Italy


Resignation of metropolitan archbishop of Perugia-Città della Pieve, Italy

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the metropolitan archdiocese of Perugia-Città della Pieve, Italy, presented by His Eminence Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti.


Appointment of auxiliary bishops of Rome, Italy

The Holy Father has appointed as auxiliary bishops of Rome, Italy, the Reverend Riccardo Lamba, of the clergy of Rome, until now parish priest of San Ponziano, assigning him the titular see of Medeli, the Reverend Daniele Salera, of the clergy of Rome, until now parish priest of San Frumenzio, assigning him the titular see of Tituli in Proconsulari, and the Reverend Baldassarre Reina, of the clergy of the metropolitan archdiocese of Agrigento, former rector of the archepiscopal major seminary, assigning him the titular see of Aquae in Mauretania.


Curriculum vitae of Msgr. Riccardo Lamba

Msgr. Riccardo Lamba was born in Caracas, Venezuela, on 30 November 1956. He returned with his family to Italy in 1965. He was ordained a priest for the diocese of Rome on 6 May 1986.

He entered the seminary in 1984, after graduating in medicine, and obtained a bachelor’s degree and licentiate in psychology from the Pontifical Gregorian University.

From 1989 to 1991 he served as an assistant at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary. From 1991 to 2000 he was an assistant of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

From 2000 to 2002 he served as parish priest of Sant’Anselmo alla Cecchignola, from 2002 to 2018 at Gesù Divino Lavoratore, and from 2018 to date, at San Ponziano in Rome.


Curriculum vitae of Msgr. Daniele Salera

Msgr. Daniele Salera was born on 23 July 1970 in the Torpignattara area of Rome. After attending the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary, he was ordained a priest on 21 April 2002.

He graduated from the La Sapienza University of Rome in sociology, and was awarded a licentiate in spiritual theology and attended the course in science of formation for formators at the ISFO, affiliated to the Pontifical Gregorian University.

From 2002 to 2008 he served as parish vicar of Santa Maria Madre del Redentore in Tor Bella Monaca. From 2003 to 2008 he was a lecturer in Catholic religion. From 2008 to 2014 he served in the diocesan Catechistic Office and as a teacher at the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary, and from 2014 to 2016 as vice rector at the same Seminary.

From 2016 to date, he has served as parish priest of San Frumenzio, and as ecclesiastical assistant at the Centro Urbis zone of AGESCI.


Curriculum vitae of Msgr. Baldassarre Reina

Msgr. Baldassarre Reina was born on 26 November 1970 at San Giovanni Gemini, in the province and archdiocese of Agrigento. He entered the archepiscopal seminary in 1981. In 1995 he was awarded a bachelor’s degree in sacred theology, and in 1998, a licentiate in biblical theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome.

He was ordained a priest on 8 September 1995.

From 1998 to 2001 he was a diocesan assistant for Catholic Action, and vice rector of the archepiscopal seminary of Agrigento. From 2001 to 2003 he was parish priest of Beata Maria Vergine dell’Itria in Favara. From 2003 to 2009 he was prefect of studies of the Studio Teologico San Gregorio Agrigentino, and from 2009 to 2013, parish priest of San Leone in Agrigento. From 2013 to 2022 he was rector of the major seminary of Agrigento.

He has also held the following offices in his diocese: teacher of Sacred Scripture at the Institute of Religious Sciences, teacher at the Studio Teologico San Gregorio Agrigentino, director of the Culture Office, canon of the Cathedral Chapter, and member of the Presbyteral Council and the College of Consultors.
