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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 05.02.2022

Appointment of apostolic nuncio in the Republic of the Congo and in Gabon

Resignation of bishop of San Rafael, Argentina


Appointment of apostolic nuncio in the Republic of the Congo and in Gabon

The Holy Father has appointed Msgr. Javier Herrera Corona, nunciature counsellor, as apostolic nuncio in the Republic of the Congo and in Gabon, at the same time elevating him to the titular see of Vulturara, with the dignity of archbishop.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Javier Herrera Corona was born in Autlán, Mexico, on 15 May 1968.

He was ordained a priest on 21 September 1993 and incardinated in the diocese of Autlán.

He graduated in canon law.

He entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See on 1 July 2003, and served in the pontifical representations in Pakistan, Peru, Kenya, Great Britain and the Philippines.

He knows English, Italian and French.


Resignation of bishop of San Rafael, Argentina

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of San Rafael, Argentina, presented by Bishop Eduardo María Taussig.
