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Resignations and Appointments, 19.01.2022

Resignation and appointment of bishop of Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

Appointment of bishop of São José do Rio Preto, Brazil


Resignation and appointment of bishop of Novo Hamburgo, Brazil

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Novo Hamburgo, Brazil, presented by Bishop Zeno Hastenteufel.

The Holy Father has appointed as Bishop João Francisco Salm as bishop of the same diocese, transferring him from the see of Tubarão.

Curriculum vitae

Bishop João Francisco Salm was born on 11 Ocotboer 1952 in São Pedro de Alcântara, in the metropolitan archdiocese of Florianópolis, in the State of Santa Catarina. He carried out his studies in philosophy at the Fundação Educacional de Brusque and in theology at the Instituto Teológico de Santa Catarina in Florianópolis-SC. He attended a course for seminary formators at the School of the metropolitan archdiocese of São Paulo.

On 30 July 1979 he received priestly ordination and was incardinated in the metropolitan archdiocese of Florianópolis, where he held the following offices: formator (1979-1983) and rector (1984-1991) of the seminary of Azambuja; rector of the archdiocesan theological seminary (1992-2009); coordinator of pastoral care (2006-2008); head of vocational pastoral care (1992-2009); parish priest of Santa Terezinha in Brusque-SC (2009-2010); administrator (2011) and diocesan bursar (2012).

On 26 September 2012 he was appointed as bishop of Tubarão and received episcopal ordination the following 24 November.

Within the Brazilian Episcopal Conference, he is president of the Episcopal Pastoral Commission for Ordained Ministers and Consecrated Life, and a member of the Permanent Council.


Appointment of bishop of São José do Rio Preto, Brazil

The Holy Father has appointed Bishop Antônio Emídio Vilar, S.D.B., as bishop of the diocese of São José do Rio Preto, Brazil, transferring him from the see of São João da Boa Vista.

Curriculum vitae

Bishop Antônio Emídio Vilar, S.D.B., was born on 14 November 1957 in Guardinha, diocese of Guaxupé, in the State of Minas Gerais. After carrying out his studies in philosophy at the Salesian Faculty of Lorena-SP (1976-1978), he was sent to Rome, where he obtained a bachelor’s degree and a licentiate in theology from the Pontifical Salesian University (1981-1986).

On 31 January 1976 he gave his religious vows in the Salesian Society of Saint John Bosco, and received priestly ordination on 9 August 1986.

He has held the following offices: coordinator of studies and formator of seminarians, director of the community, coordinator and professor at the Instituto Teológico Pio XI in São Paulo-SP, counsellor of the Salesian Province of São Paulo, Master of Novices, parish priest of Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora and director of the Instituto Dom Bosco in São Paulo-SP.

In addition, he was judge of the Interdiocesan Tribunal of Aparecida-SP and member of the Presbyteral Council of the diocese of São Carlos-SP.

On 23 July 2008 he was appointed bishop of São Luiz de Cáceres and was ordained bishop on 27 September 2008. Within the Brazilian Episcopal Conference he was vice-president of the Oeste 2 Regional and Member of the CNBB Youth Commission.

On 28 September 2016 he was transferred as bishop of São João da Boa Vista.


Appointment of apostolic visitator for Eritrean faithful of Alexandrine Ge’ez rite resident in the United States and Canada

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Tesfaldet Tekie Tsada, member of the Public Association of the Faithful Sons of Saint Anne, until now chaplain of the Eritrean community of Los Angeles, United States of America, as apostolic visitator for Eritrean faithful of Alexandrine Ge’ez rite resident in the United States and Canada.

Curriculum vitae

The Reverend Tesfaldet Tekie Tsada was born on 6 December 1969 in Hebo.

He entered the Missionary Society of the Lazarist Fathers, and after completing his studies in philosophy and theology at the Asmara Catholic Theological Institute, he was ordained a priest on 26 October 1997.

After three years of pastoral experience, he was sent to Rome where he obtained a licentiate in biblical theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University. After joining the Public Association of the Faithful Sons of Saint Anne, from 2005 to 2008 he carried out pastoral service at the Shrine of Our Lady of Altavilla Milicia in the diocese of Palermo, while from 2009 to 2011 he was superior and director of formation in the community of the Sons of Saint Anne in Nairobi and at the same time chaplain to the Eritrean community in Kenya. From 2012 to 2013 he held the same position in the Philippines, and in 2014 he moved to the United States where he has so far served the Eritrean community in Los Angeles, and also worked with the Latin archdiocese.


Appointment of apostolic visitator for Eritrean faithful of Alexandrine Ge’ez rite resident in Europe (Eritrea)

The Holy Father has appointed the Most Revered Msgr. Kesete Ghebreyohannes Weldegebriel, protosyncellus of the archeparchy of Asmara, Eritrea, as apostolic visitator for Eritrean faithful of Ge’ez Alexandrian rite resident in Europe

Curriculum vitae

The Reverend Msgr. Kesete Ghebreyohannes Weldegebriel was born on 30 June 1966 in Adi Zienu in southern Eritrea. After completing his studies in philosophy and theology, he was ordained a priest on 12 July 1992 in Asmara. After a short period of pastoral experience, he was sent to Rome to study canon law at the Pontifical Oriental Institute (1994-1997) where he was awarded a licentiate. He continued his studies in religious education in the United States.

Returning to Eritrea in 2000, he served as eparchial chancellor to His Excellency Msgr. Abune Zekarias Yohannes, then eparchal bishop of Asmara, and later to his successor, His Excellency Msgr. Abune Menghesteab Tesfamariam, M.C.J., the current metropolitan archbishop. In 2003, he was appointed rector of the minor seminary and in 2005 of the major seminary, until 2013. When the eparchy of Asmara was elevated to the rank of metropolitan see, he became protosyncellus of the archeparchy and at the same time parish priest of the Cathedral.

In addition to his native language, he also speaks Italian and English.
